Dunstable's local newspapers in Victorian times covered the town's events, both big and small, in minute detail. RITA SWIFT here gives brief extracts from some of the thousands of stories published in those early weeklies. Combined here, they provide a vivid picture of life in the town.
Readers will find references to numerous public houses, streets, businesses and meeting places which have now disappeared or have changed their names. We have not attempted here to explain the background to each one but historians have here the basis for further research.
The earliest excerpts are from the town's first weekly newspaper, the Dunstable Chronicle, which opened on January 5 1856 and ran until July 28 1860.
Its closure left the town without its own newspaper, but the gap was partially filled by the Luton Times and Dunstable Herald, which provides the stories below for 1861, 1862, 1866, 1867 and 1868.
Dunstable was proclaimed a borough on December 27 1864, and this major event in the town's history prompted the establishment, on February 14 1865, of the Dunstable Borough Gazette which is still being published today. The paper dropped the word “Borough” from its title when the town lost that status in 1985.
Editions of the Gazette's first four or five years have not survived, hence the gaps in this miscellany. Copies preserved in the British Library start at issue number 232.
Numerals after each paragraph give the day and the month of the original entry in the local newspaper of the time.
Top of page
1850s |
1856 |
Two ewe tegs (a sheep in its second year) are slaughtered at Chalk Hill and the skins and head left. This is the fourth incident in the last few weeks and a £10 reward is offered. 19/1
A young lad cleaning the large plate glass window of Charles Lockhart, draper, falls against it causing it to break when the ladder tilts sideways. 26/1
George Langley steals two iron hoops and an iron box valued at 2/6 and is sentenced to 3 months. 16/2
Hannah Radley a lunatic pauper, is committed to the Bedford Lunatic Asylum. 23/2
John Dyer is charged with stealing turnip tops valued at 6d and fined 15/-. 1/3
H Henton, a straw hat manufacturer, is declared bankrupt. 1/3
A scathing reference is made in the Dunstable Chronicle to a new paper, the Dunstable Reformer, editor W H Derbyshire, with a battle of words continuing for several weeks. 1/3
A complaint is lodged about water and refuse issuing from the Red Lion Hotel. The owner does not live in the area but the problem is quickly settled by the hostess. 8/3
A night thief breaks into the house of Joseph Scott through a window which is left unfastened. 12 silver spoons and a frock coat are stolen. 8/3
'The Wizard of the North' performs at the Temperance Hall, West Street. Although very clever the performance is unfortunately thinly attended. 8/3 (John Henry Anderson amazed theatregoers with his bullet-catching trick. One of the first magicians to conjure a rabbit from a hat)
The Dunstable Chronicle is presenting a series of engravings to subscribers. 29/3
A Vestry meeting is held, according to ancient custom, to elect Churchwardens, Overseers and Stone wardens. 29/3
On Good Friday the Temperance Society holds a tea followed by games in a field lent by Mr Mathew Gutteridge. The teachers in the Dependent Sabbath School in Edward Street also had a tea and service. 29/3
The Primitive Methodists in Mount Street have added a lobby to their chapel for the comfort of the congregation. 29/3
Richard Twigg, blacksmith and whitesmith, opens his new business on the premises of Mr C Stufford in Back Street (behind Middle Row). 5/4
The licence of the Yorkshire Grey Public House, Church Street, is transferred from Joseph Davis to Thomas Randall. 5/4
The Wesleyans celebrate 30 years in the town. 12/4
Mr M Gutteridge and Mr S Burges are elected as Guardians for the town of Dunstable. 12/4
Z C Noble, cabinet maker, advises that he is moving from Church Street to premises built at the back of his dwelling house in the High Street adjoining the Saracen's Head Inn. 26/4
'The Judge and Jury' from Coal-Hole Tavern, London, perform at Samuel Sherlock Collis's Saracen's Head, High Street South. 3/5
An auction is held at the Swan with Two Necks, Middle Row, for a Brick Yard with contents and a Beer House. 19/5
Henry Smith, Marine Store Dealer in Back Street, advertises willing to buy anything including old clothes, rags, roping, copper and bones. 17/5
Death of Betsy Parsons, aged 74 years, address given as Frances Ashton Almshouse and Mrs Mary Smith aged 85 years. Mrs Webb and Mrs Sadler are to be the new residents. 17/5
Cart's Charity increases the allowance to the inmates of the Ashton Charity due to the increase in the property values. 17/5
George and William Champkin accused of obstructing the Turnpike Road by erecting a stall. They claim there is an allowance of 15 feet for the public therefore the police have no right to arrest them. The judge declines to act. 17/5
,A handsome writing desk with a silver plaque is presented to John Corfield on his retirement after 19 years as a master at the Free School. 31/5
At 4 am the Priory bells ring out as a reminder of the 6 am excursion train to London to see the firework peace celebration display. Between 200 to 300 people take advantage of the excursion. 31/5
New Daily Newspaper - The Star 1d - on sale from James Tibbett, Bookseller & Publisher, Dunstable. 7/6
John Medcraft, accused of stealing a wooden clothes horse, pair leather trousers, property of Henry Lockhart, said 'I shall plead guilty to the lot and hope I shall be sent out of the country'. He receives 14 days hard labour and four years Penal Servitude. 7/6
Troops of Artillery travel through the town. The Hussars arrive and there is a scarcity of beds and stabling for the horses. Mr H Brandreth gives hospitality to the officers at Houghton Park. (Returning from the Crimean War) 14/6
Syrus Nichols accused of damaging the church window at Dunstable, fined 10/6. 14/6
George Walters, a tramp, steals a number of Circassian figures from John Flemons. 14/6
John Flemons advertises large sale of drapery goods as he is leaving town. 14/2/1857
Festival of Peace - End of Crimean War 1853 -1856. 21/6
The Philanthropic Lodge of the Odd Fellows celebrated its14th anniversary with a lunch at the Saracen's Head, tickets 2/-. 5/7
Elizabeth Maddocks, White Hart, is fined 15/- for selling beer before 12.30 on Sunday. 5/7
Thomas Haynes, landlord of the Victoria public house. charged with opening his premises for the sale of beer before 4 o'clock on Monday morning and find £2. 5/7
The transfer of the licence of the King's Arms from Joshua Parsons to Thomas Haynes is refused. 5/7
The Associated Tradesmen's Friendly Society celebrates its 42nd anniversary with a public dinner at the Swan with Two Necks, hostess Mrs Higgs. Afterwards the usual games are held in Butts Field. 19/7
A cricket match between Luton and Dunstable is held in England's Field, permission of Mrs Marshall. Dunstable wins and refreshment is served by Samuel Cooper of the Rose and Crown, Middle Row. Another cricket match is between the Bricklayers (who win) and the Carpenters. 26/7
E Jeckment and Thomas Warner, joint trustees of the Friendly Society held at the Saracen's Head, bring a case against James and Charles Bowers for repossession of five cottages in Albert Street. 26/7
A portion of the front page of the Chronicle is missing as the type was accidently spilled. The missing section is later reprinted at half the price. 2/8
The children at Alfred House School are given a holiday by Mr and Mrs Smith who take them to Ashridge for the day together with teachers and friends. 9/8
John Arnold is charged with damaging the grass belonging to Joseph Darby. As the defendant does not appear a warrant is issued. 16/8
Antonia Bossuvius, a man of colour, is accused of stealing two handkerchiefs and is to be tried by magistrate. 13/9
William Duncomb is fined 10/6 for assaulting Jane Field. 20/9
William Gilbert, a carpenter, opens a shop in Church Street opposite the Yorkshire Grey public house (later the advert is changed to opposite the Horse and Groom public house) 4/10
Francis Saunders is sent to prison for two months for stealing ¼ lb of coffee from James White, proprietor. 18/10
John Carter and John Kirwin, two young lads, steal a flute from E.B.Donne, a music teacher and pianoforte tuner. 18/10
William Minards of the Victoria, West Street, accused of selling beer before 12 on Sunday and badly conducting the business. Large fine of £6.9.6. 16/10
John Minards arrested for being drunk by Pc Cuttiss whom he then accuses of being drunk at the same time. Superintendent Pope states the officer is one of the most efficient officers in the force and the prisoner is fined £1.14.6. 25/10
John Waterfield opens his new Fancy Bread and Biscuits Shop at London Terrace, Dunstable. (London Terrace is between Britain Street and Lovers Walk). 25/10
Interesting letters of 1709 are printed from Mrs Wesley, mother of John Wesley, to her son Samuel and another is from Rev. Samuel Wesley to son 'Sammy'. 8/11
First meeting of Working Men's Teetotal Society. 8/11
Dunstable Choral & Instrumental Society gives first series of People's Concerts at the Temperance Hall. 18/11
James Chapman assaults James Costin 'but the evidence in this case is entirely unfit for publication' - fined 12/-. 22/11
Edward Walton fined £1.10 and Thomas Tompkins fined £1 or 6 weeks prison for letting off fireworks several weeks after the Guy Fawkes celebrations. 22/11
Mr C Willee, who used to work for Dr. Laurie, has sent a letter home dated 8 September 1856 about his voyage to America. 29/11
West Street Baptist Church is broken into and two small boxes in the school room cupboard containing the children's pennies for missionary work are stolen. 6/12
James Tibbett will publish a new monthly magazine on 1st January 1857 entitled The Dunstable Illustrated Magazine price 1d. 27/12
1857 |
Endowed Free School - Mr Hambling is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils as Boarders after the Christmas Vacation. 3/1
Rev. Frederick Hose is given a purse of gold. 3/1
The children of the Baptist Sunday School are given a good substantial dinner of beef and plum pudding a gift from Mr R Gutteridge. This generous and liberal gentleman provides a tea for the teachers. 3/1
Some bed curtains at the Red Lion Inn are accidently set on fire by a candle but the fire brigade is not required. 3/1
Several drivers and owners of carts are charged with leaving them on the road so as to obstruct the highway between Luton and Dunstable. All are fined 15/-. 3/1
STEREOSCOPES and Views sold by J Tibbett. Lent or hired for evening parties, boarder and day schools. 10/1
From 13th January the omnibus service will cease conveying letters to Luton. Bags made up by messengers will leave at 3.15 instead. 10/1
Rev. C H Spurgeon, a pulpit celebrity, visits the West Street Baptist Church. 10/1
David Arnold steals 2 knives from George Inwards and a slop from William Pearson. Fpur months hard labour. (Slop: easy to sell casual clothing) 10/1
Dunstable General Provident Institution publishes details of its annual accounts for 1856. 17/1
William Turney, grocer, Middle Row - Auction at his premises of all household goods and stock in trade under a distress for rent order. 17/1
Death of J K Blundell, age 67. He was chairman at the first Missionary meeting held in the town at the Quakers Meeting House about 1830. 17/1
A parade to collect the new fire engine from the station. Mr H Lockhart provides the horses. Mrs Marshal, Red Lion, distributed fine old brown ale. Dinner in the evening at the Saracen's Head. 24/1
For Sale - An old oil painting (an original) by Adam van Noort , 1602. Apply H Smith. Ashton Street 31/1
The Baptist Sunday Schools celebrate their Golden Jubilee with a service at Dunstable. Many visitors and between 400-500 children all clean and neat attend. 31/1 28/3
John & James Facer to show cause why an order should not be made upon them to contribute towards the maintenance of their mother, Mary Facer, who is chargeable to the parish of Houghton Regis. The evidence is not sufficiently conclusive as to their ability to maintain her. Bench declined to make an order. 31/1
Death of William Percival aged 77 years, who for many years has been coachman to Sir Robert Inglis. 7/2 (Sir Robert Inglis, 2nd Baronet,1786 -1855 Conservative politician).
Emma Lines accuses John Turner of being the father of her illegitimate child. He admits to this and is ordered to pay £3.5.0. costs and 2/6 a week. 21/2
Thomas Randall, Carrier, Horse and Groom public house, delivers goods to Luton plait market every Monday. 28/2
William Thompson Howard is accused of embezzling £38 15s 3d from the London and North Western Railway Co. by false entry in the recharge book. Sentenced to 12 months hard labour. 7/3
The wife of E B Donne, Professor of Music etc., gives birth to twin boys born on the 5th March then the 6th. Both boys die three days later. 7/3
W Reader - Cutler and Grinder (also umbrellas and parasols repaired), advertises his new business at the Black Horse, West Street. 14/3
Several weeks of angry letters between Dunstable and Toddington Fire Brigades after Dunstable, with their new engine, assists at a fire at Toddington. 14/3
Mr Phillips, The Wizard, comes to the Temperance Hall. Previously he had performed at Belvoir Castle and before Princess Mary and many eminent persons. Attendance was low due to the county election. 4/4
Services at the Tabernacle, Edward Street, held in the adjoining school room due to repairs, 11/4
George Field of the Britannia is fined £2 including costs having opened on Sunday before 12.30. 18/4
A poem 'The Good Old Times' by S. (a local Dunstablian) is published. 'Oh sigh not for good old times' ends with 'now is better'. 18/4
W H Staples advertises his photographic business, opposite Coopers Factory, High Street North, in verse. 25/4
William Kilby opens his new butchers shop in the High Street opposite the 'Swan'. 25/4
Mr Pinnock a business man, stops for a meal at the Sugar Loaf Tap. A piece of meat lodges in his throat suffocating him. Only the quick action of Dr. Farr, who has never witnessed such a narrow escape before, saves his life. 25/4
Coal carters Joseph Knight, William Smith and Daniel Cook accused of stealing coal from Edward Lockhart. In court Daniel Hale, David Bowers, Charlie Brazier are also accused of the same offence. During the hearing the court is closed. Three of the accused are dismissed the others are on bail awaiting trial. 25/4
The Inspectors for lighting give notice to Orlando Brothers that burning gas for public lights will be discontinued due to the increase of 5/6 to 12/6 per cubic 1,000 feet. Householders may wish to have their pipes detached. 2/5 9/5
Death of Thomas Kimsey, 60 years, much respected maltster at Sworder & Co. 2/5
Mr John Samwells receives a letter from J Sturgess, Band, Canterbury Barracks, 3rd Dragoon Guards thanking him for his hospitality when the soldiers stayed at the Sportsman's Arms, Winfield Street, on their return from the Crimea. 9/5
John Smith, a tramp, steals a live fowl and two cloths from John Samwells and a sugar bag from Thomas Keene. Committed for six weeks. 1/8
Lost - Red Brindle Lurcher dog called Catch. Return to A B, Britannia Inn, for a good reward. Any person found keeping the same after this notice will be prosecuted. 23/5
Timber Sale at Mr Stevens' Farm, Dunstable Park, Bull Pond Lane. 23/5
Poem by W H Derbyshire, The Banner of Blue, dedicated to the Right Hon. Benjamin Disraeli MP. 23/5
Sale of Household Furniture, effects of John Witherden, Church Street, under an execution from the Sheriff of Beds. 30/5
First week to pay into the Penny Savings' Bank. at the National School Room. 230 people arrived but as it was so late 100 were turned away. 30/5
Whilst a boiler engine is being lowered at the new Corn Mill belonging to John Williams, the rope breaks and the engine falls on William Kette, son of the foreman, breaking his leg. 30/5
Four acres of grass put up for sale by Mr C Farr at Butt's Field. 6/6
John Burrows is caught on the premises of Mr F Farr, surgeon, with stolen items having only moved to Dunstable that day from Toddington. Rebecca Sinfield, lodging with him, buys a dress from him which has been stolen from Mrs Tomkins, Union Street. He receives three years. 13/6 27/6
Thomas Keene, Servants' Registrar Office is selling a good toned Seraphine. (a keyed wind instrument, cross between a reed organ and an accordion) 20/6
CAUTION If the same persons are found again disturbing the quiet neighbourhood of Edward Street and Albion Road as they were last Wednesday from 10 o'clock at night to 3 o'clock on Thursday morning, their names must certainly be published with full particulars. 20/6
Inhabitants are informed that a picture entitled The Enchanted Cave on Dunstable Downs based on a poem may be purchased in London. 27/6
Alfred House Boarding and Day Establishment. Miss Fry and sister have accepted the transfer of Mrs John Smith's Ladies School. 4/7 (Three months later Mrs Smith gives birth to a daughter. The Academy moves to Linslade in 1858). 10/10
The sale of property in Albion Street and Union Street has been transferred from the Sugar Loaf to the Saracen's Head Inn. 11/7
Dunstable United Children's Holiday -£4.17.9 remains from the Celebration of Peace so another event is planned. 800 children attended and eat about 5cwt cake. Total attendance is 2,178 but unfortunately the fireworks do not arrive until the next day. 11/7 25/11
Henry White, whiting manufacturer, is loading the goods at the railway station when a train being shunted is forced against another, trapping and killing him immediately. 11/7
Gompertz's Panorama of the Russian War including a Diorama is given by C G Bell at the Temperance Hall. 11/7
Walkers Universal Patent Detector. Wedged under a door and window it will emit a loud report when opened giving security. 18/11
Tradesmen United Friendly Society dines at the Swan with Two Necks followed by games at Butts Field. 11/7
Henry Arms a labourer employed by Mr Fountain, working on top of a slow-moving threshing machine, slips trapping his foot. His leg is amputated below the knee but there is little hope of him recovering. 1/8
Smoke is seen coming from Mr Cliner's house, Prospect Place, although it is empty. Neighbours break in and put out the fire which had started in the bedroom. The fire engine arriving late would have proved useless as more attention should be made to keep it in good repair. 1/8
An inquest is held at the George Inn, Church Street, on Frederick Cook, 16-month-old son of James Cook. The child crawled into the road and was run over by a miller's cart. Verdict accidental death but mothers are warned to take more care of their children. 8/8
George Impey of the Wagon and Horses is charged with selling beer before 12.30 on a Sunday. The local Police Superintendent stated that this is the first complaint and a great reformation had taken place since he became the landlord. Discharged but to pay costs. 8/8
Joseph Attwood and Thomas King, employed by James Robinson, builder, are cleaning the roof of Mr B Bennett's premises when the ladder slips and the men fall. Fortunately no bones are broken. 15/8
Bricklayer William Clark working at J Cooper's manufactory slips on the scaffolding, caused by his freshly nailed boots. Internal injuries but should soon recover. 15/8
Mrs Smith writes a very touching poem of eight verses on the death of her 13-month-old son George. 29/8
To Let, Lease or Otherwise. Dunstable Steam Mill, 2 Residential Buildings and Meadow adjoining Beale Street. William Medland or Mr Stocken. 10/10
Lockhart Omnibus profits have increased since the fares were reduced. 7/11
Advert - Frederick Young, brewer, South Place. Families supplied with Home Brewed Ales. 14/11
To Be Let - The Crown Inn and Posting House, Albion Road. 12/12
John Chapman, Marine Store Dealer, steals lead from Mrs Mary Brown's building. 12/12
Mrs Janes visiting her daughter feels ill and calls on Mr Billington, grocer, a friend. Asks for water then suddenly collapses and dies. The event of such sudden death causes sensation in the town. 26/12
1858 |
Thomas Lines is not answerable for the debts of his wife Sarah Lines. Advises all persons not to give credit. 2/1
John Williams is retiring from the coal trade but the business will be taken over by his late agent Joseph Cox. 2/1
The Tibbett Household Almanac for 1858 is on sale at 1d with useful information for all classes. 2/1
The cellar covering at the Swan Inn, High Street South, is roughly repaired by a thick board but is causing a serious stumbling block to children and all persons. 16/1
A Straw Hat Manufactory in North Street is to be sold by private contract. 23/1
A young lady seeks a situation as a daily governess. Lessons in Music, Drawing, French (acquired on the continent) and regular English subjects. Private tuition, moderate fees. 23/1
If G..... will return the volume entitled 'The Princess of England' price 2/6 which he stole on Thursday last between 4 and 5 o'clock, the owner will think it a favour. 6/2
Henry Lockhart, The Crown Inn, High Street North, is charged with permitting gaming in his ale house. Fined £5. 29/2
Auction of goods at the Crown Commercial Inn including *Brough Dog Cart, Mail Cart, **Phaeton, Horses and Harness. 16/10 (*Drawn by 1 horse, 2 people seated back to back and box for dog and guns **4 wheels)
Sarah Law and Mary Ann Cooper, two prostitutes, charged with stealing 2 tin canisters, tea, sugar, ½ quartern loaf, ¼ lb butter from Henry May. Each is sentenced to one month hard labour. 29/2
Endowed Free School - Mr Hambling intends to engage a French and Drawing master and set apart an additional room for educational purposes to make a better classification of his pupils. 3/4
George Champkin steals a headstall and chain from George Field, Britannia Inn, and is sentenced to nine months. 3/4
Frederick Mead, 27, a colt breaker, and George Champkin, 26, labourer, steal a black mare from Charles Cecil Hicks, surgeon. 10/4
A fire breaks out one morning at the premises of George Field, Britannia Inn. The fire brigade and others quickly have it under control stopping it spreading to adjoining properties. Beds and beddings are destroyed but the cause remains a mystery. 10/4
Mr & Mrs Paul - Stay and Corset Makers, Holywell Hill, St. Albans will attend every Tuesday at the Red Lion Inn. Mr & Mrs Paul will wait upon any lady at their own residence. In 1859 they attend at James Tibbett's premises instead of the Red Lion. Later the advert is Mrs Paul, Corset and Crinoline Maker then Stay and Crinoline Maker. 24/4 18/6
Temperance Hall is summoned for non-payment of rates. Paid plus cost of summons. 6/2
Temperance Hall - W S Wookin's Olio of Oddities, a Mimical, Metrical, Musical and Polygraphic entertainment, illustrated by nearly 100 instantaneous Metamorphoses of voice, characters and costume. 10/10 Mrs Holcroft gives a lecture 'Merry Thought on a Dull Subject'. The proceeds to go to establish the Mechanics' Institute for Working Class in Dunstable. 2/10 Alessandro Gavazzi, a provocative preacher, head and organiser of the Italian Protestants in London. 2/8 The Hungarian Brothers Slapoffski, vocal and instrumental entertainers. 17/4
At the grand wedding of Miss Elizabeth Elliott, daughter of William Elliott, to Mr Thomas Grove of Quebec, Canada, between 2,000 to 3,000 people waited to wish the couple well. The Hungarian Brothers Slapoffski provided some musical entertainment. 24/4
A well-established Ladies Day School to be disposed of in the High Street. The house can be taken with it, if an early application is made. 1/5 (This is probably Alfred House Academy )
Mr Hambling has purchased from Mr G & Mr J M Fyffe the good will of the Alfred House Academy and solicits the support which the two schools have hitherto received. 26/6 Alfred House to be let immediately together with an adjoining plot of land. Suitable for straw manufacturer or others requiring ample room. For further details apply to Mr Hunt, The Priory, High Street, Dunstable. 3/7. Rev F G Hughes MA, late curate of Dunstable, has taken the premises known as Alfred House and proposes to receive a select number of day pupils to educate with his own son. 20/11
Montpellier House. Miss Fry begs to inform her friends in Dunstable that she will return (d.v.) to the duties of her establishment on Monday. 10/7 (Deo Volente: God willing).
Take Notice - Pure unadulterated homemade Ginger Beer can be obtained at the Victoria, West Street, at 1/3 per dozen. 8/5
Mr J Andrews is willing to visit the town and neighbourhood to tune pianofortes now there is a train service between Luton and Dunstable. 15/5
Magpie Inn, High Street - Auction of Household Furniture etc. as the proprietor William Henry Young is leaving the town. Licence is transferred to Solomon Haddaway. 22/5 5/6
To Be Let, the Public House now in occupation of G Collings, South Place, Dunstable. 22/5
Death of William Lambert, 70, carpenter of 'Billy Goat Hall', Dunstable. 22/5
Meeting of Trustees of the Free School. Eight boys leave the school and replaced with another eight and two apprentices receive £22 each. 29/5
Ginnett's Mammoth Circus arrives and special trains put on from Luton. 5/6
W Medland holds a dinner at his house as a tribute to the Rev. F Hose who is presented with a set of costly silk robes. 26/6
William Goddard and George Janes, both 12 years old, steal a brush from Rev. G Rowe. Sentenced to be privately whipped. 17/7
A horse and cart is nearing the Downs when the horse without warning takes fright and bolts. Close to the edge of Pascombe Pit it suddenly turns round throwing the cart over. Neither the driver's child nor the horse is injured and only the harness is broken. 24/7
Fire Brigade Grand Fete and Holiday - Bands, Procession, Punch & Judy, Public Tea, Concert, Balloons, Triumphal Arch, Visiting Brigades, Superior Mechanical Figures. Special trains from Leighton Buzzard and Luton. 26/6
GAME NOTICE - All persons found trespassing on property of Mr Alfred Oliver of London in occupation of Mr Howe and others in the parish of Dunstable and nearby counties will be prosecuted as the law directs. 4/9
Licence renewed for William Maddocks of Dunstable Arms. 18/9
Six young boys charged with assaulting Jane Randall. Dismissed but to pay costs. 18/9
Robert Gibbard opens a Corn and Flour shop next door to Mr Parrott, the butcher. 25/9
The Fire Brigade are given a monetary reward for their good work at aTotternhoe fire. Later it is stated that 700 feet of hose is required and the men immediately returned some of their money to help purchase this item. 25/9
Auction of Freehold Barn occupied by Wheelwright Shop and Forge, at Queen Street, otherwise known as Mellors Yard, Church Street. 23/10
Sudden death of William Arnold, 56, at The Anchor, High Street North. 30/10
James Tibbett Junr, Photographic Artist in High Street. Permanent photographic portraits - Daily 9 till Dusk - Fine weather preferred. 6/11
Edmonds' (late Wombell's Menagerie) arrives with new exhibits, all in good health and condition. But two Zoolu Caffres (Chronicle spelling) draw the most attention. 20/11
A little girl staying at Hampton Court, (new cottages in St.Mary's Street) Dunstable with her family is playing 'sweeping the chimney' with friends when her dress catches fire. There is little hope of her recovery. 20/11
James Green and George Johnson, between 8 and 9 years old, charged with stealing two pistols property of Mr Langridge, grocer. The pistols with some furniture had been exposed in the room of an empty house. The culprits were sentenced to be whipped. 11/12
1859 |
James Green charged with stealing rabbit and hare skins from W Brazier's cart. Previously whipped having stolen pistols. Sentenced three months in prison and three years reformatory. 29/1
Talk given by Mr W Craft, an escaped slave, at the Temperance Hall.
Great United States Circus visits the town with hundreds of horses and performers.
Mr Howat and Mr Dunn of Dunstable driving in a dog cart when Mr Adey of Markyate Cell passes them in a four-wheeler and comes into contact, breaking the spokes of their wheel. Awarded 17/6 damages.
Translation with introduction and notes by a resident of Dunstable of the Chronicles of Dunstable by Richard de Morin, Prior of Dunstable, published in three parts.
Beer House for rent, formerly Sawyers Arms now the Royal Oak, lower end of Church Street, established for 24 years and doing excellent trade. Held under a lease for 21 years from the Crown commencing 1846. 8/1
Rev F G Hughes will be commencing teaching at his residence adjoining the Free School. He hopes that those parents who shall entrust him with the education of their sons will aid in enforcing generally punctual attendance. 8/1
J C Barber, carpenter, joiner and undertaker has moved from Albion Street to Mr Chambers' Yard where there is increased room and accommodation. 8/1
April - Auction of all Furniture and household items at Montpellier House as Miss Fry is leaving the town. 23/4 The Misses Prout having arranged with Miss Fry to become her successors beg to announce to the parents of the young ladies lately instructed by Miss Fry at Montpellier House that they purport (d.v) to conduct the school in future at Alfred House, High Street, Dunstable. 21/5. The Misses Donne beg to inform the inhabitants of Dunstable and its vicinity that they intend (d.v.) moving in Midsummer into Montpellier House, High Street. 4/6
Lockhart's Omnibus will leave the Crown Inn three mornings a week to travel to St. Albans Station. 2/1
Henry Freeman is charged with having used and employed a stage carriage without having a licence. 22/1
Samuel Cooper of the Rose and Crown charged with selling beer before 12.30 on a Sunday. Fined 15/- and costs. 27/8
Temperance Hall - The Boudoir Opera Company performs for the Fire Brigade Benefit Fund. 22/1. Talk given by Mr W Craft an escaped slave. 20/11. Ventriloquist and Music Acts by 'Hoffman Organophonic Company'. Seven performers, conductor Mr. Hoffmann. Achille de Milano plays an Amandilino never before in England. 24/12
Temperance Society Hall Appeal - The hall was built in 1841 for £1,200 when numbers flourished, but these have declined for various reasons. The debt is £550 plus £59 interest. The mortgagee has called in the principal with interest due and the hall must be sold in three months if help is not at hand.
William Stapleton, a sweep, assaults John Bryant also a sweep whom he accuses of setting loose his mule from his cart for which he has given him a 'walloping'. Case dismissed. 29/1
James Robert, a Dunstable wheelwright, charged with refusing to maintain his mother in care of Luton Union. Court finds him unable to contribute to her support. 29/1
To Be Let - An old-established whiting manufactory late Henry White (killed by a train in 1857) Apply Mrs E White High Street. Later Mrs White, who is declining the business, sells three horses, two wagons, three carts and items of interest to farmers or whiting manufacturers. 19/3 2/7
Death of John Hickman, aged 60, the town postman for 14 years. 16/4
Great United States Circus visits the town with hundreds of horses and performers. 7/5
Charles Fensome is charged with assaulting Eliza Smith at the Butts, Dunstable, by firing off a gun at her. Dismissed as not proven to the satisfaction of the bench but rather that she was tipsy at the time. 21/5
Mr John Franklin, White Horse, Church Street, has a four-legged chicken which may be viewed. 21/5
Death of Mrs Sarah Derbyshire, aged 95, at Jane Cart Alms Houses, Ashton Street. 21/5
George Field of the Britannia Inn, Middle Row, continues to let Horses and Gigs for hire but intends to give up the other business of horses and carts. 2/7 (Soon the business advert is changed to Mary Field, his wife, and his death is reported shortly after aged 41.) 30/7
David Brown, Victoria, West Street has purchased a good commodious booth and will be able during the summer season to supply parties visiting Dunstable Downs and other places with accommodation of every description. 4/6
A fire breaks out at Mr Billington's grocery business in Union Street, possibly started by a spark from a candle as Mrs Billington had been in the rooms previously. All the furniture is spoilt or burnt but the house is saved. The goods and the house are not insured. 11/6
All building materials from the Bird in the Hand, adjacent to Dunstable Railway Station, to be disposed of as the land is required for an extension to the station. 25/6
John Beech, tailor, is moving from the High Street (opposite the Crown Inn) to Albion Road. 25/6
D Dell is moving premises two doors down from the Post Office, High Street. 25/6
James Cook when drunk habitually beats his wife Eliza and throws her and their possessions out of the house. One month's hard labour in Bedford Gaol. 2/7
An old oil painting dated 1460 is for sale. Inscription Etesve, 62, with a crest. H Smith, Ashton Street. 9/7
Death of Mrs Maddocks, 75, landlady of the White Hart, High Street North.
Licences granted to Robert Rowe - Dunstable Arms. Thomas Grace - Bird in Hand (original near station knocked down). William Turvey - Sportsman's Arms, Winfield Street. 10/9
The Chronicles Dunstable - Published in three parts - Cost 3d. The translation of the above Chronicles written by Richard de Morin, Prior of Dunstable, with continuations by subsequent priors. Never before printed in English but invaluable in presenting a complete picture of the monastic system and the manners of the middle ages. Introduction and notes translated by a resident in the town. 20/8 24/9
Sarah Goddard steals two pairs of shoes property of James Lester, Boot and Shoe Maker. Her sister offers them for 3/- to Henry Freeman who keeps a coffee house in Church Street and buys second hand goods. He is suspicious and shows them to Mr Lester who recognises them missing from his shop window. One month's hard labour. 10/9
Midwifery - Mrs Kingham having being formally connected with the lying in institution assures ladies who may be pleased to engage with her that they may rely upon her skill and care and the kindest intention in their accouchement. References can be given to ladies of the highest respectability. Railway Terrace, Dunstable, near the station. 3/9
Mrs Mary Dickens acknowledges the patronage of her friends since she has conducted the school, formerly carried on by the Misses Baylie and hopes unremitting attention to those entrusted to her care to receive continuous of the same. School will open on Monday 25 July West Street. 9/7 (Five months later Mrs Mary Dickens is summoned by the overseers for non payment of poor rate. She had been conducting a preparatory school in West Street but her landlord had taken all her goods for rent, in consequence her pupils have left, she has five children and no means of support. It is recommended that she be put on the excused list and suggests a smaller house.) 10/12
Frederick Mead, a colt breaker, has a pony to break for Mr Horn but unfortunately throws it down breaking its knees. A Mr Potton reports it being done deliberately. Hearing this Mr Mead gives Mr Potton a sound thrashing for which he now expresses his regret. Mr Hicks, surgeon, says Mr Potton has severe bruising on his body and head such as caused by a thick stick. Mead is fined £5. 24/9
Dunstable Church Choir present John Oliver Johnson, late organist, with a handsome and chaste ink stand as a token of gratitude and respect for his past services. 5/11
Consideration is given to stopping up a foot path on J Cooper's property, providing he makes good a path up Regent Street to Edward Street and pays £56 to the parish authorities. 19/11
Manders' Royal Menagerie - More lions and tigers than before. Most popular is a chimpanzee from South Africa said to be the only living specimen in Europe. 20/11
Rev. G W Lewis's programme The Pilgrims Progress has dissolving views illuminated by Oxyhydrogen Lime Light. 3/12
A chimney caught fire at the Rev. J W Wilson's residence in Albion Road. Having been swept only six weeks previously “this confirms our belief that the sweeping machines do their work ineffectually”. 3/12
To be let a Public House in Union Street with stable, yard and garden. 17/12
Advert - Joseph Savill, Magnetic & Psychological Physician, Albion Road.19/12
A Five-Octave Harmonium in hard French polished case to be disposed of. Mr Carpenter, Old Baptist Chapel House, South Place. 24/12
Auction of 2 ½ acres of Swedes, 1 acre and 1 rood White Turnips in Church Field in six lots numbered and staked out to suit the convenience of the purchaser. 24/12
Samuel Fate handed himself over to Pc John Lambert saying he is a deserter from the 50th Regiment. 24/12
Dunstable Parochial Allotment Gardens. The trustees have determined to let out land as cottage gardens in the fields called Spital Hill Close and Spital Close near Half Moon. 22/10
1860s | |
1860 |
Just Published -Stereoscope view of Dunstable Church. Two shillings from Chronicle Office. 7/1
First meeting of the Rifle Corps - formed as a last means of defence. 21/1
The Dunstable Rifle 4th Corps. Queen Victoria accepts their service. Lady Marian Alford offers Pascombe Pit and adjoining land for practice. 17/3
It is decided the Police Station would be the most suitable place for the Rifle Volunteers armoury. 16/6
James Leamard, a travelling hat cleaner, being drunk and disorderly assaults Pc Lambert whilst resisting arrest. Fined 10/- . 21/1
A Dispensary opened by Dr.Laurie on his premises in High Street every Wednesday and Saturday morning 9-11am. 21/1
New Oral and Conversational French. Monsierie Laseque from Paris. is prepared to make engagements with families and schools. First rate references can be furnished by Ref J W Hambling, Endowed School. 10/3
Temperance Hall - E B Donne, founder of United Choral Society, gives two concerts to raise funds for the hall's debt. 28/1. Lecture by J Q Rumball MRCS on Phrenology. 4/2 Washington Friend Lecture, 5,000 miles of scenery of Canada and United States of America. 25/2 12/3
Joseph Clark and Samuel Clark both sawyers (person who saw wood for a living) assault John Adcock, a soot dealer, but he does not wish to press charges as they both express regret. 11/2
Lecture in Wesleyan School Room by Rev. G Barnley about the Red Men of Hudson Bay. 18/2
Miss Varney, milliner and dressmaker, is moving from the High Street premises of Mr Gibbard to house late in occupation of William Lambert in the Square opposite the Priory. 17/3
James Jardine, Red Lion, High Street North brings an unsuccessful action against Smith & Son and Oakley Auctioneer of London for unpaid bill of £6.18 for two dozen bottles of wine. 4/2 5/5
James Jardine, Red Lion, charged with selling wine after hours. Although there were several small groups drinking wine it had all been donated and not bought. The men had just enrolled as Rifle Volunteers and were celebrating. Case dismissed. 28/4
John Bailey, warehouseman at Coopers, speaks up on the arrest of George Smith charged with begging. He sees Pc Cutriss kneeling on the prisoner s body trying to put handcuffs on in such a way as to do the prisoner serious injury. George Smith is ordered to prison for 10 days. 25/2
James Gardner of the 3rd Battalion Rifle Brigade charges William Magee of being a deserter of the 96th Regiment of Foot. Magee admitted deserting on 3rd May 1858 from Aldershot. Committed to Bedford Gaol to await orders from the War Office. 25/2
George Meekins charged with being a deserter of 29th Regiment of Foot, by Frederick Hamblin, Recruiting Sergeant 3rd Battalion of the Rifle Brigade stationed at Dunstable. Committed to Bedford Gaol awaiting decision of the War Office. 12/5
To Farmers and Others - A large quantity of Refuse Lime to be disposed of by the Dunstable Gasworks. 11/4
The body of Lady Fanny Elizabeth Bolton, wife of George Ives, 4th Lord Boston, arrives at the Red Lion from London. Taken from the hearse it is laid in state in the parlour overnight before departing to Northampton. 21/4
George Franklin, White Horse, Church Street opens a new business, Boot and Shoe Maker and Repairer. 28/4
Frederick Stratford becomes proprietor of The Crow Inn, Market Hill (High Street North) 26/5
Some labourers digging cellars for new houses in a field in West Street property of Mr Joseph Darby find four skeletons all buried in due order. 26/5 (This is where the Quakers met)
At Dunstable Railway Station the engine of a train starting for Luton bursts with great force. Passengers alarmed but uninjured. A new engine quickly replaced the old and the journey continued. 26/5
James Hood shoots himself in a field near the Windmill because the mother of Mary Carter, the girl he is to marry, takes her away. Various letters to his family prove his name is Samuel James Goddard, Hood being his late mother's name. The ladies of the various manufactories collected £2 to assist his brother Henry Goddard when he comes to the town. 16/6 John Tutte, Assistant Overseer of Parish of Dunstable, spent £1.12.6 on the burial fees and coffin of James Hood 7/7
Fred Mead charged with game trespassing. Joseph Bradshaw, gamekeeper to J S Crawley, sees Mead in a field near Half Way House hare coursing with a lurcher. Fined £1.1.6 23/6
Mrs Townsend is missing and her body is discovered in a well but the lid is still in place. The inquest gives the cause of death as drowning but not the means by which she came there. 21/4
John Jones, a tramp, had applied for relief but received an order to go to Luton from where he had just come. Unable to return there as he has a dislocation of the hip he breaks a pane of glass at Daniel George Gilby Relieving Officer's premises. Judge felt there should be a place for tramps in Dunstable and would treat the prisoner leniently with 5/- damages or three days in prison without hard labour. 28/4
Rev. George Shaw, curate of Dunstable Parish, is presented with a very handsome pocket silvered Common Service and Prayer Book from the Sunday School teachers and Church Bible Class. The presentation is held at the house of Mr W Medlands and a tea in the garden follows. 7/7
Property auction of a building occupied by London and County Bank in High Street North, opposite Town Hall. The rear of the building is entered from High Street by carriage through Nicoll's, otherwise known as Houghton Lane. 28/7
Death of James Jardine, hat manufacturer. 28/7
J Tibbett's Portrait Gallery to be closed. Two complete sets of apparatus for sale. 28/7
Mr C G Green to ascend in his magnificent Balloon from a large enclosed space in Dunstable Park. 28/7
Dunstable Chronicle closes July 28 1860
1861 |
Advert - H Lockhart is the proprietor of the Red Lion. 2/3
The Magpie, High Street, licence granted to George Fox. 2/3
James Boyce, 16, Thomas Nash, 17 steal figs from William Turney, grocer, valued at 4/6. After the theft William Champkin joins them. William Fowler is a witness who works for James Costin next door. James Boyce who took the figs is given six months hard labour, Thomas Nash six weeks with hard labour. 2/3 James Boyce together with George Goddard, 13, steals pies and sweets etc. from Hannah Odell. Again William Champkin joins them afterwards. 14 days hard labour for James but George receives one month's common gaol followed by three years reformatory, much to the distress of his parents. 2/3
The house of the late Richard Gutteridge in West Street is advertised to let. 9/3
Auction of furniture etc from the house of Frederick Burr. 9/3 16/3
Edward James, 70 years, summoned for non payment under a bastardy order of 1859. Relatives unwillingly pay the £1.13.6. His wife doubts the justice of the proceedings as the “unfortunate little illegitimate” would be the only progeny her aging husband could boast of. 2/3
William Harcombe,14, George Joines, 13, Johnson Masters, 17, respectably dressed, charged with assaulting Elizabeth Curtis. She had been the worse for liqueur and a crowd had collected. Masters had pushed her away and she fell, breaking her thigh, and was taken to the Union workhouse. As she had brought the accident on herself the boys are discharged. 2/3
George Kempston,18, is accidently poisoned in Luton Workhouse when given disinfectant instead of medicine by a nurse unable to read or write. His mother without any assistance carries him back to Dunstable where he dies. The court rules she should have been given transport home and new regulations are brought in about medication, literacy etc. 23/3 30/3
William Impey, butcher, attacks Pc George Taylor who drops his stick and takes out his staff. Impey then attacks the officer with the stick, who warding off the blow causes Impey to receive a head wound. Both threaten to sue each other. Because of the severity of the injury Impey is let off with a fine 9/-. 30/3 A few months later William Impey is drunk and riotous and sentenced to seven days prison. 20/7
George Champkin, William Goddard, George Cheshire steal quantity of turnip tops from Mr Gutteridge's field and confronted by Pc George Taylor assault and set four dogs on him resulting in him being severely bitten. George Champkin fined 50/- with costs, and the others 40/- and costs each. Time to pay is refused. 30/3
Temperance Hall - Dunstable Rifle Corps Band holds a concert in aid of their funds. 6/4 Concert by Dr Mark and His Little Men, a juvenile travelling orchestra of around 30 players who performed in 1858 for Queen Victoria at Buckingham Palace. 4/5 Wizard Jacobs, Improvisator and Ventriloquist, and his mysterious Goblin Sprightly. (who was his overweight brother). 14/12
William Wradwell, Thomas Taylor and George Jones accused of throwing stones and causing damage to the targets and Butts on the Downs used by the No.4 Company of the Beds Rifle Corps. 6/4
A party of 25 members of the Rifle Volunteers marched to the Butts which required reshaping and levelling. It took a great deal of physical work including digging but everyone did their bit including officers. 29/8 Colonel Hastings Russell will be inspecting the Butts and firing ground thought to be the best in the country as there is sufficient room to practice the different ranges without endangering the safety anyone. If the Butts are to be found as excellent as the locality is safe, matches will be considered there in future. 14/12
Mr Barratt's Drum & Fife Band perform in The Park then parade around the town with the Rifle Corps Band, each playing alternately. 4/5
The late Duke of Bedford's cortege passes through Dunstable to Woburn Abbey en route to the family vault at Chenies, Bucks. The hearse stops at the Red Lion to refresh the four horses. The Priory bells toll for an hour. 25/5
To Be Let with immediate possession, the house and premises in South Place where Mr F Young carried on his brewing business. 15/6
The Bishop of Ely holds a larger-than-usual confirmation service in Dunstable and for other areas. 15/6
Tenders required for the repair and alternation of the Horse and Groom public house. 29/6
To Be Let on lease or sold with possession a brick-built Malting, situated in the centre of Dunstable: A good opportunity to establish a brewery as at present there is no brewery in the town. 29/7
Thieves enter Great Northern Railway Station by breaking a waiting room window, forcing the booking office lock and steal a few pounds but miss a much larger sum in the ticket case. They unsuccessfully try to blow open the safe with gunpowder. 29/6
A youth steals a piece of meat from butcher Mr Mead and eats it raw. Police catch him and he is sentenced so 'at least for a little time will be provided with a cook for free'. 13/7
Church struck by lightning and the weather vane destroyed 13/7
Memorabilia of Dunstable (Annals) published weekly. 13/7
Plans on show in the post office for a new Italian-style Clock Tower opposite the Red Lion protected at the base by a very neat iron palisade. The tower would be of crimson brick with stone dressing, its roof covered with Italian slate and decorated with a bell tower. The four dials wil be illuminated at night and placed so they can be seen in all four streets. £100 raised but a further £150 - £200 is required. 27/7 (This is later put on Town Hall roof). Mr Johnson, Postmaster, contacts British & Irish Magnetic Co. which is interested in having a telegraph office on the second story of the proposed clock tower. 21/9
Complaints still being voiced about tramps and poor people etc. arriving at Dunstable and then being sent on to Luton Union. Many had walked miles and unable to go further being ill, infirm or disabled. 3/8
120 people take advantage of an excursion to the annual Odd Fellows Fete at the Crystal Palace, London. 10/8
Tenders required for all buildings and surrounding grounds for the new West Street Cemetery. 18/8
Joseph Osborne of Albion House has purchased a Shillibeers Patent Funereal Carriage to complement the new cemetery recently opened. 12/10 (The Shillibeer hearse body is bow fronted, swivels round and has a central opening, up to four passengers and the coffin. Horses cannot pull it far as weight of the carriage is substantial)
James Turney, aged four, is the first to be buried at the new cemetery. 26/10
Fete and Volunteer Review in Dunstable Park. Military bands, fireworks, balloon ascents etc. 28/8
Thomas Trott, indentured to Mr Barber, carpenter, is continually absent from work in spite of various ways to encourage him including hours and money. The decision is made to release him from service. 24/8
Due to the intense darkness a man runs into two ladies who happen to be passing in the opposite direction. Had it not been for the 'hoops' in the skirts of the ladies the three might have been thrown upon the ground. 7/9
Mr Conisbee, grocer, while walking at Pascombe Pit tries to descend into The Cavern but slips down the steps injuring his leg. 26/10
Miss Wood begs to inform that she has taken over the school from Misses Prout, West Street, and will be assisted by a resident German instructress. 9/11
In the open market the Town Crier proclaims that Mrs G Waller has sold 17½ yards of plait to the score. All plaiters selling at short measure will be exposed in the same way. 9/11
Mr Gutteridge is about to open a new street in Albion Road, being a continuation of Edward Street and Mathew Street through his farm premises into West Street, forming an important thoroughfare in the heart of the town. Messrs Bennet and Southam have received instruction to submit to public competition some very valuable plots of ground connected with the above street. 7/12
The Reading Room, established on the breaking up of the Mechanics Institute, is to close due to lack of support. 12/12
Blockers go on strike at Mr Willis' straw manufactory for more money. Mr Brown, manager, threaten to call the police because of their insolent behaviour to him. 21/12
John Sapwell deserted his wife and family in 1857 but has only just been caught. 23/11
Prince Albert dies 21 December and the papers are printed with heavy black lines between columns.
1862 |
Charles King steals a piece of lead used as a plum-bob (Victorian spelling) at the new cemetery The court recommends a severe whipping. 4/1
Dunstable Chapel and the Lodge at the cemetery are nearly complete. G Halton architect, Thomas Marshall mason and John Vicars builder. 1/3 Field has been appointed as the Lodge Keeper his knowledge of gardening and greenhouse keeping giving him the preference over Eames who was considered the favourite. 15/3 The young trees in the new cemetery, chosen with great care, are said to be doomed as they are planted without loamy earth or manure to protect their tender roots from the cold having been transplanted from a soil like Apsley. 15/3
A gentleman has been aggrieved about a certain internment taking place in Priory churchyard after it has been closed. He lodges a complaint against the rector resulting in a Government inspector coming down to see if there has been an infringement of the order. A decision is made in favour of the rector. The affair has been kept very quiet. 15/3
To Be Let with immediate possession the White Swan, an old licensed public house doing an excellent trade. 11.1
The Gift Team - an old fashioned English custom revived. Mr Stevens of Park Farm purchased some land adjoining Kensworth Lane and his brother farmers from the neighbouring areas brought their teams to plough every area to make the land ready for seed. The ploughing was witnessed by many visitors and several inn keepers voluntarily supplied free beverages for the men, but Mr Stevens insisted on reimbursing them. 11/1
A pack of Harriers are taken to Houghton Regis and Dunstable for a day's sport. The hares are plentiful and crowds of pedestrians witness the diversion. 11/1
Temperance Hall: Well attended meeting with several lady speakers, Daniel Tibbett accompanied the singing on the harmonium and 35 people signed the pledge adding to the previous 40. 11/1. Concert to raise money for the Primitive Methodists new Harmonium is well attended ½. Meeting to raise funds for the London City Mission. 8/2. For Valentine's Day Mr Smart gives an amusing talk on Love and Matrimony. A great number of communications pass through the Post Office on that special day. 17/2. Ashford Harmonica Society perform to assist in removal of the hall's debt. 3/2.
Trustees of the Temperance Hall put the building up for sale.
A comic entertainment is given at the Crown Inn by Mr and Mrs Grimwood of the London Theatres. 18/1
More complaints about the lack of street lighting in Church Street from the corner of the Horse and Dragon and the railway station making it impossible for pedestrians to avoid the heaps of mud along the route. 18/1
British Land Co. offers various plots of land for sale. The company purchased most of the whole estate of Richard Gutteridge who died in 1860. 1/2
To Be Let or Sold by William Limbury: a house, double fronted shop and premises in High Street on corner of Albion Road. 1/2
A coal mining accident at the Hartley Colliery killed 204 men. Several of the manufactories started their own relief fund to help the many widows and orphans. Mr Johnson, Postmaster, opens a list so the public can assist. 1/2
Colour Sergeant Field, 21 years in the Grenadier Guards, has brought the Dunstable Rifle Volunteer Corpsup to a high standard. With his imposing 6 foot 6 and build, at one time engaging in the fistic art of Heenan & Sayers (boxing), no one would dare disobey his orders. 1/3
The Rifle Volunteers advertise a shooting match open to everyone with prize money upwards of 50 guineas. A novel piece of machinery has been invented by Ensign Eames for signalling the points. This match was later postponed due to others being held on the same day at Wimbledon. Therefore the official opening of the Butts is delayed. 7/6 21/6
To Be Let: a Room and Dwelling House situated in High Street known as the London & County Bank with the exception of the portion occupied by the said bank. 22/2
Mr E B Donne, a well known local businessman and musician, starts a Harmonic Society with 31 members. 22/2
Mr Samuel, a bleacher and well known for his inventions, has designed a Fire Escape. Costing £5 it can be set up quickly and used at a considerable height with great ease. He will take out a patent. 29/3
Ashton School has plans for a new Italian Gothic style school with two school rooms with class rooms, committee rooms, playground and garden. Separate residences for the master and mistress. 29/3
Mr Giddings, a fitter of Beer Engines, installs one at J Ashling's Public House in West Street. The beer is pumped to the bar instead of the barman having to go to the cellar. Soon after the equipment does not work and Ashling refuses to pay until it is repaired or taken away. Later found to be old and only worth 45/- with a new one costing £5. 5/4
A meeting held to consider removing the Turnpike Gate between Markyate and Dunstable. Travellers try to avoid it and trade is being affected. 12/4
A quantity of night soil scattered along the road in front of several manufactories causing distress by the offensive smell. 19/4
Mr Plumb, commercial drapery traveller well-known in Dunstable, is killed in railway accident. 17/5
Three skeletons, male, female and child are discovered in Albion Road which is being extended. Believed to be about 100 years old and hastily buried as only 18 inches below ground. No evidence of a coffin and the bodies appeared to have been doubled up but why that location remains a mystery. 17/5
Death of William Fox, saddler, a highly respected citizen and in his day known as 'Basso' a first-class musician. The Sunday school teachers attended the funeral and the boys in his class asked to attend as a mark of respect and follow with the mourners. 31/5
Mr Vickers, a carpenter working in the loft over the Magpie Public House, Church Street, before leaving places a pot of glue on the fire. It is supposed a spark fell and caught the wood shavings. The fire brigade stops the fire spreading and causing damage to other buildings near. 31/5
Children are given Monday off school to attend the Wesleyan Bazaar being held in Mr Axtel's field. The centre display is a Fairy Fountain which sprays water on the children, much to their delight. 14/6
Freehold building land in Victoria Street and Union Street is been sold. 5/7
Charles Chamkins, a greengrocer in West Street, steals greens worth 3d from a plot in a field belonging to Samuel Walker. 14/7
Body of a new-born male baby found by a family in the churchyard. 19/7
A 20-year-old drain running along High Street brings a large quantity of filth into Mr Roger's garden then into a pond in the meadow belonging to Mr Stevens. 26/7
Whilst walking up Half Moon Lane Mr J Hill collapses due to a broken blood vessel and dies shortly after. As a Rifle Volunteer since its formation he is given full military honours with a parade and band to the cemetery and a firing party of 12. 6/9
1866 |
Mr Rodwell is fined 10/- for removal of night soil between the hours of 6 and 10. The obnoxious matter being carted in an open dung cart. In many places dung pits and privies are built too close to the buildings of the poorer class usually due to the smallness of the plot of land as in Church Street. 13/1
The new railway station, jointly used by Gt. Northern and London & North Western Railway, although small, is a more comfortable and suitable building than the old one which is now deserted. Much better accommodation being provided for passengers. 20/1
A piece of land costing £1,500 has been presented to the town by the Mayor, Mr Osborne, as a site for the new Town Hall and other buildings to be erected. 27/1
William Tripp Fox, a saddler, harness and rope maker, High Street, is bankrupt 10/3
Bankrupt - John Bedford, a tailor, Mount Street. 24/3
Thomas Gravestock, coal carter in the employ of Levi Cox, coal merchant, is charged with leaving a horse drawing an empty cart without control. 17/3
The Rev. H B Smyth will be attending Dunstable Post Office on Wednesday between 3-4 to sign the Cattle Removal Licences. The outbreak of plague is a national disaster. 10/3 First sale of beasts held in the market at the end of the year since the cattle plague trouble. 24/11 Difficulty of opening the weekly stock market owing to the recent action of the authorities in London although the cattle plague seeming to be dying out might be revived. 15/12 Religious services held at Church and Wesleyan Chapel will be held on Friday week on account of the plague amongst cattle. 17/3
A formal notice is issued revising an ancient Middle Ages custom. Owners of animals straying in the manor will be fined. Enforcement of this law will make people careful that their horses etc. do not stray. 13/1
Architects invited to submit their designs for a brick and stone clock tower or an iron structure. 8 x 10 feet and not to exceed £200. The clock to be erected on the site of the ancient cross in the High Street. 15/9 ( Later it is put on the Town Hall) 43 designs are submitted for the Clock Tower and Joseph Neale, architect of Bristol is awarded the contract. 10/11
A mad dog, belonging to Mr F Mead, is chased around the streets finally running into the Nag's Head stables where it is killed. 6/10
Lack of street lights is becoming a serious issue as the gas company charge 6/- per 1000 cubic feet and the corporation refuses to pay more than 5/-. 6/10 Some of the inhabitants in different localities have subscribed 1d a night to have the lamps lit. In the centre of town trades men form a provincial lighting committee in order to procure lamps near their places of business. 27/10
Mrs Horn, wife of Charles Horn, landlord of the White Hart, High Street North, destroys herself by jumping down the well at the rear of the premises. She is missed half-an- hour before her fate is ascertained. 13/10
James Cheshire, an apprentice to W Driffield, charged with absenting himself without leave. Fined 12/- costs and released on a promise to return to his employment. 13/10
Mailman Scott, the driver of the Post Cart, is involved in a serious accident when colliding with a cart coming from the opposite direction. He sustains several injuries including a broken collar bone and is taken to his mother's house. The letters are despatched by a driver procured in haste from the Red Lion Hotel. 20/10
A placard printed by D Tibbett issued by 'Fair Play' alleges that a water cart supplied by Mr Limbery is improper. A solicitor demands the name of the author but Mr Tibbett, trying to keep the peace, writes to say an apology will be published in the Gazette. But the printer is forced to reveal the name of Mr H Cheshire. 27/10
Election - In the afternoon lamps are lit at the expense of the gas company. W Willis trying to make a speech is drowned out by a band from a rival group. 3/11 17/11
Frederick Field, sergeant in the Rifle Volunteers, assaults Henry Tofield on Election Day but the matter is settled out of court. 10/11
November 5th passes peacefully as fireworks are banned from the streets. 10/11
Twelve powerful and active draught horses to be sold at the Dunstable Horse Fair as they are no longer required by the railway. 10/11
Shooting match - a pig valued at £6 is shot for by a party near the railway station. 15/12
A race over 200 yards between Jim Boyce and a horse, with Mr Green, butcher, driving the cart. The course is the Toll Bar to Half Moon Lane with a prize of two sovereigns. The man led the first half but loses ground with the stronger animal winning by 10 yards. The sporting fraternity are out in force to witness the race. 6/1
A fire at Mr Farrars, watchmaker, High Street opposite Wesleyan Chapel. Mr Farrar sleeping in a room next to the shop hears his little dog howling and discovers the fire. 10/11
The corporation goes to the Baptist Chapel but visiting a dissenting place of worship creates some discussion .24/11
A female tramp caught by P C Addington in the exercise of her business as an itinerate beggar was on Wednesday sent by the Justices in Petty Sessions to the Treadmill for 7 days. 23/6
1867 |
Clock Tower - Builders wishing to tender should send their application to Joseph Neale, Baldwin Street, Bristol. 5/1 A donation of ten guineas from Mr Hasting Russell MP for the clock tower. 2/2
The Magpie Inn, High Street, for sale under the will of W Pratt deceased. Newly occupied by W Impey. 5/1
Helmets are to be considered instead of hats for the rural police. Dunstable is complimented as being ahead of the rest of the country. 12/1
Mr Burr donates site for new police station and lock up in Icknield Street. Plans have been submitted and the cost to be about £500. Consists of a house for the Superintendent and two cells and Mr White is the contractor. 7/7 5/10
Weekly sale of livestock, begun as an experiment, shows no sign of diminishing. Greatly accommodating for local butchers and farmers and presenting a very businesslike appearance. 12/1
To Be Let with immediate possession a Straw Manufactory, opposite the station. Vyse & Sons. 19/1
Meeting to organise a committee to collect subscriptions for bread, coals etc to give to the very poor 26/1
Dunstable Collegiate and Commercial School opens with Principal Rev.C B Harris M.A. 8/6
Alfred Collis Harris, 4 ½, sixth son of Rev.C B Harris is killed when the pony he is riding is startled and the child slips sideways trapping his foot in the stirrup and is dragged head down along the ground. Family had been visiting Rev Smyth at Houghton Regis. 27/7
Bankrupt - Ephraim Mooring butcher Middle Row. 6/4. George Horn straw plait dealer of Dunstable & Luton. 23/11 T Rogers coal merchant. 14/12
Dust is causing distress to households and pedestrians. There is no water cart employed this year because of the great difficult to obtain water which has to be pumped from a great depth 31/8
The Manor House, an important freehold residence in High Street North, to be auctioned but it is not sold. Later Dr Hicks buys it and the adjacent paddock by private contract for £2,550. 1/6 15/6
Auction of Household furniture from the Manor House as Mr J Cooper is leaving the town. 3/8
39 people travel to the grand musical performance at the Crystal Palace. Prince Albert, Prince Teck and other Royal and Noble visitors present. 29/6
An invitation to the Mayor of Dunstable and his lady from His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales to attend the laying of the first stone of the Central Hall of Arts and Science at Kensington by Her Gracious Majesty the Queen. (Later the Queen changed it to the Royal Albert Hall of Arts and Sciences in memory of her husband). 18/5
Restoration of Priory Church - £2,000 in hand for repairing damage done by time. Wooden framework set up at rear of school then covered with light iron for temporary place of worship which became known as the Iron Church. It is soon enlarged as it is too small. 22/6 2/11
Testimonial held for W Medland, Town Clerk, for all his good work. 6/4
A detachment of 40 Belgian officers and riflemen come from London to Dunstable and are entertained with a dinner in the Park as lavishly as when our volunteers visited Belgium last year. 20/7 Captain Medland , most active in the reception, receiving the Belgian officers in his own house, receives splendid present from Her Majesty the Queen of Belgians for his daughter: A very valuable locket containing a large sapphire surrounded by 46 diamonds. 28/9
James Scott, a labourer, is charged with riding without reins. 26/10
A horse and cart is left in West Street with no one in charge and the horse had no bit on. Pc Addington told the ostler from the Plume and Feathers to take care of the horse until it is claimed. Arthur Champkin says he had left the horse for only two minutes. Case dismissed. 14/12
Local people hear a loud explosion the result of two boys, aged 11 and 12, putting wood on a railway line; fortunately the train does not come off the rails. 14/9
Accident on the line delays the 6.30pm train until 12.30. After several hours people start for Luton on foot. 11pm a telegram arrives saying it is not known when the train will arrive. 9/11
Although Mr Burgess was expected to be the new Mayor the council elects Mr J Gutteridge who is a known teetotaller and will not permit wine to be introduced at the annual banquet.
Mayor J Gutteridge holds a public meeting to consider the depressed state of the Straw Trade. Some other work must be found for the lean periods. It is decided to send a straw bonnet to the Princess of Wales as she is a leader of fashion and to the Queen from the town authorities. (One was presented to the Queen when she came to Dunstable in 1841). 10/10
Claim for the hire of a van to take cricketers from Dunstable to Luton. £1.3.4 but the plaintive had sued the wrong man and should have sued Mr Foll, treasurer of the Kingsbury Cricket Club 31/8
W Hopcroft held in high regard both in his public capacity and his engagements with numerous gentlemen in London for a number of years. At a London reception these gentlemen present him with many valuable gifts including silver cutlery and dinner/tea services. 12/10
Great excitement was created by the arrival of a troop of Horse guards en route for the north, who were good looking fellows. Whenever the soldiers happened to move there was a host of young people to stare at them, as though they had never seen a soldier before.
1868 |
A drunken William Kilby threatens to kill his wife Frances with a knife. 4/1
Discussion about work for those in the Dunstable Tramp Ward. Breaking stones for the roads is suggested but would take work from able bodied men. Not enough oakum for picking so men being released early. 15/2 Superintendent searches inmates but they still smuggle in tobacco which is noisily smoked at night and abuse him when challenged. 20/6
A large hole, about 6 to 8 feet deep and 4 feet wide, sinks into the middle of the High Street in front of the London and County Bank. A man falls in but no record if he is hurt. Gentlemen riding over that spot had noticed a rumbling noise. Aged inhabitants say there used to be a row of houses called 'Middle Row' and a dumb well about there. 18/1
John Merrifield, landlord of the Saracen's Head, accused of assaulting James White, builder. Having ordered him off his premises several times finally grabs his arm and physically tries to remove him from the tap room, tearing his coat sleeve in the process. Case dismissed. 25/1
Zachariah Goodyear assaults Frederick Mead at the Saracen's Head when he is given the bill for clipping his two horses. Tears up the bill and punches Mead in the face causing him to lose a tooth. 1/2
When Ann Perry's box at the Saracen's Head is searched it is found to contain various stolen items including a quarter pound of tea. Gentlemen in the billiard room had complained they did not receive their proper change from her. 28/3
Three men from local villages are charged with obstructing the High Street footpath with a quantity of plaiting straw. Ignorant that it is an offence in Dunstable as it is allowed in Luton. Cautioned this time. 15/2
Imposters are posing as the veritable and legitimate famous Christy Minstrels (Black faced minstrel group) who only perform in London. A reward is offered for information. 7/3
A cow belonging to J Gutteridge is paralysed after giving birth to a calf. Following various treatments homeopathy is finally tried and the cow recovers. 17/3
To Be Let: The Wonder Public House, Beale Street. 28/3
The Vine, on a corner position in West Street, is advertised for sale with a suggestion that it could be converted into an oyster room or luncheon bar. It goes for £250. 9/5
W Medland, Town Clerk, is taking up residence in Belgium where he has an appointment at Burges. He will be greatly missed in the borough for all his good work. The volunteers will miss him as their commanding officer and friend. When Mr Medland and his lady left for their new home in Belgium they are escorted by the brass band of the volunteers and Mrs Medland could not repress a tear. 5/9 Auction of Household Furniture, Horse etc ., The Lawns, W Medland. 10/10
The Rifle Volunteers' efficient members are permitted to join the Militia in battalion drill after a short time under the command of Col. Gilpin. Only the most efficient members are to be allowed this privilege. 11/4 Mr Merrifield, Saracen's Head, receives his commission as ensign of volunteer corps. Captain Medland will retain his captaincy by permission of the War Office as he intends to return occasionally to visit his men. 17/10 The Fire Brigade present Mr W Medland with an elegant casket with case and stand. 26/9
Death from bronchitis of J Osborne, 77, an ex-mayor. The principal shops in the town closed as a mark of respect. 2/5
Election vacancy on the council goes to William Henry Derbyshire. 23/5
During the Fenian rebellion in Ireland many troops with artillery pass through Dunstable. Two deserters from the Royal Horse Artillery are arrested in Dunstable to wait for the War Office order. Said they are going to Weedon to fetch horses but have got lost. 28/8
About 120 men in the Royal Artillery with guns stop overnight en route to Dublin. A detachment of Dragoon Guards consisting of 80 men and horses stop on the way to Weedon. 28/8
John Baker a discharged soldier, 17 years in India and staying at the Saracen's Head, suffers from fever and delirium tremens, imagines a troop of Fenians under the bed. Medically diagnosed not fit to be at large as his mind is affected. 18/1
Edward Malvent, very drunk, is boasting about having shot a man in Jersey and served seven years and was now Commander in Chief of Fenian Army. In the cell he raves a great deal in Latin and appears to have held a responsible position in Society. 7/3
A large stack of straw is set on fire belonging to Mr. E Brown near the Great Northern Railway, 200 yards from the Church Street Station. Three hours later the flames are still burning. 6/6 Charles Harris charged with setting fire to Mr Brown's straw. Mr Brandon said Harris had told him he wanted to do something so he would be sent away, went to the First and Last pub and afterwards set fire to the stack. 20/6
J Turvey falls from a stack and a medical man is called. Turning into the High Street from West Street driver runs over a child knocking out several front teeth. 20/6
Mrs Hawkins tries her tall horse in Alderman Hopcroft's four-wheeled vehicle as she has taken a fancy to that kind of carriage. But the horse takes fright and Mr Hopcroft is thrown out and injured, also the governess who it is feared might have injured her spine. 20/6
Auction of Vinegar Acre with frontage on West Street. 15/8
Church Street Station has just received a much-needed improvement for the better accommodation of passengers. 24/8
Priory Church restoration work has come to a standstill due to lack of funds. Now some gentlemen have given £1,100 so the roof may be installed but a further £1,600 is required. It is hoped the public will pledge a regular amount for the next four years. 5/9
The committee orders the Clock Tower (originally to be erected on site of old cross) to be put on the Town Hall. 12/9
A fight breaks out in the Rifleman Public House over a game of skittles. 18/7
George King, landlord of Halfway House, allows his sheep to stray on the highway. For the last year or two the practice of sending sheep down lanes eating the herbage by the side of the road becomes a serious nuisance. If a man has no land to keep sheep he has no right to have any unless he hires some for the purpose. 18/7
Archaeological Society visits the town but rain prevents them visiting the Downs but impressed by the Priory Church. 7/8
William Lane uses insulting and swearing language at Susan Sharp accusing her of breaching a bye law by erecting a clothes line. But as the landlord has given her permission to do so case is dismissed. 7/8
Jane White, having been dismissed from her job as a blackguard, is found drunk and shouting that she has broken her leg. This is not true and although offered lodging she refuses them so is taken to a police cell where she kicks the door and creates a scene. In court dressed in silk she pleads 'as only a woman can plead'. She is fined only 2/6. 14/8
Engine drivers notice that a hare has taken possession of a hole in the embankment. As the trains pass the hare is seen repeatedly standing quietly looking out with just its head visible and the approach of a train does not give it the least uneasiness. 29/8
A worker employed at Scrogg's Farm suffers from sunstroke and is taken home. A garden thermometer shows 135 degrees and is the greatest heat in the memory of the older inhabitants. 25/7
Powell, Footit & Clarke's Great Allied Circus in town. Clowns, equestrians, a performing hippopotamus and Chang the Chinese Giant, 7 feet 9 inches tall. 19/9
To Be Let or Sold in High Street South, Mr W Money's house and forges etc. He had been a whitesmith and blacksmith for the last 28 years. 26/9
Collector of the Inland Revenue attended at the Saracen's Head. 31/10
Cheap rail tickets available from Dunstable to see the St. Albans Steeplechase. 1/11
The famous Altar Cloth may be seen in Ashton School for 1/- later reduced to 6d with some people contributing half a soverign. Money towards the Priory Church restoration. 28/8
Plans agreed to alter the First and Last Public House. . 28/8
Request for a light to be placed opposite the dark and seemingly dangerous alley from Victoria Street to Edward Street. 28/8
1869 |
Auction of premises in High Street North occupied by Mrs Waterfield, straw plait manufacturer. 17/7
Philanthropic Lodge 3292 Independent Order of Odd Fellows celebrates 26 years - started 1843 7/7
Ladies Seminary, High Street. The Misses Fernie intend opening their school this month. 7/7
Auction - The Crow, freehold public house situated in the best part of town with extensive stabling and outbuildings. 7/7 J Congreve carrier between Luton, Dunstable and Leighton Buzzard begs to state that as Mr Fearn, Crow Public House, has removed; all parcels should be left in care of John Holt at the Anchor, High Street North. 16/10 Licence of the Crow changed from Joseph Fern to Frederick Field and the sign altered to the Crown. 11/12
House and Bakehouse to be let, 10 bushel oven, a baking business for 40 years. Leaving due to ill health. James W Oliver, 2 Church Street. 7/7
Richard Wall, Albion House, takes over the drapery business of the late J Osborn. 4/9 For Sale, a spinal carriage for reclining and built expressly for an invalid. 5' 3” long. Joseph Osborn Queenboro House. 4/9
The barn at the rear of Mr Sumerfield's house in Union Street is burned down, cause unknown. 4/9
100 Dragoon Guards and band stop overnight at Dunstable en route for Leeds. Before the evening service the band performs for an hour. 4/9
A company of the Royal Horse Guards Artillery halt here for the night. 11/9
Royal Horse Artillery with 120 men and officers and 120 horses stop overnight leaving for Woolwich the next day. 18/9
Sale of Slaughterhouse with a large yard, fasting pens, stable, pigsties, two-day threshing barn and well. Situated rear of Church Street with right of way up the White Horse yard. Apply William Sharman, butcher. 4/9
J Bowles, watch, clock and jewellers established 1844 has moved premises opposite 7 High Street. 11/9
W & G Odell have for hire a four-horse steam engine, Edward Street. 11/9
Dunstable Public Hall Co. Ltd. is formed to purchase the Temperance Hall, being the only hall available for large meetings. Cost £600. 18/9
Temperance Hall - Committee of Dunstable Institute arrange for Professor Matthews from the Royal Polytechnic to give his famous lecture on Magic and Mystery. Includes new and wondrous experiments never before exhibited. 16/10
Trees to be planted in the vacant space in middle of High Street South between King Street and South Street. Expense to be borne privately. 18/9
Clock is now working on the town hall. In order to save expense the burners in the front and back faces will be turned off only the side ones lit. £140 still outstanding. 11/12 18/9
William Robinson, superintendent of Ashton School, retires after 19 years. 40 teachers attend his testimonial where he receives a handsome time piece. 18/9
Seeley & Co., London, has taken views of the principal buildings and streets in the town. Available from the Gazette 6d and 1/-. 25/9
First public tea held in the Mission Hall, King Street, attended by 100 people. The building is now in full working order. 25/9
William Maddock successfully applies for a licence for The Globe, Edward Street. Previously had a licence but not for the past two years. 25/9
First and Last closed for repairs. Application for a licence from Jesse Hines. 25/9. First and Last stables erected in accordance with wish of his worship. Mr Gutteridge opposed licence as the George within reach. Mayor found it convenient while waiting at Church Street Station. Mr Gutteridge concedes being in the minority but had done his duty in objecting as he intends to object to all new licences. 2/10
Annual Statue on the Square including wax works exhibition, peep show, shooting gallery, donkey rides, penny gaffs. (Penny gaff short, theatrical entertainments staged wherever space permits) 2/10
Thomas Summerfield, Albion Street, driving a horse and cart laden with earth when the belly band breaks and the horse bolts. He falls and is run over injuring his shoulder and ankle. 2/10
Henry Vickers calls for the young sons of E B Donne and with a horse and cart goes to collect some wood. The boys ride back on the wood with Henry guiding the horse which shies and the cart overturns trapping the boys. A shepherd assists to right the cart but the younger boy has a head wound which proves not as serious as first suspected. 2/10
William Kingham, asleep in the tap room of the Horse and Groom, Church Street, when the landlord Samuel Green knocks him off the bench then kicks him. There has been a dispute over money but the bench tells Green he should have called the police, not taken the law into his own hands. 9/10 6/11
Samuel Green landlord assaults William Adams. Adams pressed a reluctant Green to raffle with him but with dice and a tin can not money. Green is warned to be more cautious in future 6/11 The next week a case brought against Gren for allowing gambling. Case dismissed. 13/11
Ann Dickson, a respectable looking woman, refuses to leave the tap room of the Greyhound having been there for some time. Proceeds to smash seven panes of glass. 9/10
Sale of Elm Tree Villa in Victoria Street with two bay windows, a well and views of the Downs. 11/9
George Powell, of 78 Church Street, verbally threatens with bodily harm his neighbour Louise Cheshire wife of Joseph Cheshire who is in America. 1/9
Mary Ann Stapleton charged with obscene and vile language in a public street. John Bull. silversmith, High Street, presented himself to the bench to complain of the frequent nuisance committed at the mouth of the Ram Yard passage where women and boys congregated at all hours to the annoyance of the neighbourhood. 16/10
Priory Church will probably be closed for several years, windows boarded up, all restoration work suspended. Lay members of committee suggest that temporary work services could continue but unable to act without the consent of the rector who refuses permission to any temporary work only complete restoration. 13/11 27/11
Eight Dunstable Rifle Volunteers present at the presentation address to his Majesty the King of the Belgians in the ballroom of Buckingham Palace. 27/11
Clifton Arms licence changed from Charles Cole to George Diggins. He had lived at Sydenham for 18 months as a gentleman's servant and although never had a public house before but supplied character certificates from Thomas Pearson Gostelow and Mr Browning. 13/11
William Moult, dealer, unlawfully leaves his wife and children who claim money from the relief. He did send some money home but has to travel for work and will not live with her because of her filthy habits. Her wild appearance caused a sensation in court. 20/11
William Medcraft, bird catcher, charged with beating his wife and threatening to murder her shouting 'I will die on a rope'. 20/11
Septimus Franklin, son of Mr Franklin of the White Horse, Church Street, charged by Sarah Ann Eames of being the father of her illegitimate male child. Franklin is ordered to pay 17/- costs 10/- to the midwife and 1/6 per week. 27/11
Proposed Early Closing - 7 o'clock weekdays and 10 o'clock on Saturdays excluding butchers, bakers and barbers. All tradesmen agree except one. (As wages not paid until Saturday evening women must wait for their money before shopping). 27/11 4/12
For the first time a train will run on Christmas Day from Dunstable to Luton and London. 11/12
Pigeon shooting competition at Half Moon Inn for sweepstakes, gun to be held below the elbow till bird is on the wing. Cold luncheon will be provided. Thomas Partridge, proprietor. 11/12
Any person playing or gambling with card, coin, token or article used in any street, highway, open public place or place where the public have access shall be deemed a rogue or vagabond and be punished with three months hard labour. 18/12
1870s | |
1870 |
When a counterpane is stolen from the Cross Keys, Superintendent George telegraphs to St Albans where the thief is heading. The culprit is surprised to be met by a police officer and admits to the theft. 22/1
Elias 'Rhubarb' Andrews given money by Joseph Fern of The Globe to purchase a cart and two healthy donkeys. Later found at Tring, one donkey dead of starvation and the other in a poor way which dies when brought home. Sentenced to two months hard labour. 22/1
Wedding of Superintendent Benjamin George of the Dunstable Police to Miss Rebecca E Darles. 22/1
New Business - James Tearle, Bread Baker, Pastry Cook and Confectioner, Edward Street. 29/1
Matthew Gutteridge, 12 West Street, opens a new shop selling Corn, Flour, Meal etc. 26/2
A long, inscribed tribute in stone to Joseph Osborne (1868) placed in the Independent Chapel. 29/1
Temperance Hall - Miss Emma Stanley, London star of comedy and music with her famous programme The Seven Ages of Woman. 29/1 Tom Austin of the Luton Elocution Society, one of our best humorists. 23/4 Lecture by John Bunyan McClure 'My Life in Australia'. 24/9 Harvey Teasdale converted clown, talks on 'Life's Experience'. 8/10 Mr E B Donne performs a benefit concert under distinguished patronage, with other local Dunstableans. During the concert the gas fails but 40 horse-power candles are promptly procured. 12/2 Dunstable Institute holds a musical evening but again the gas nearly fails. 2/4
Temperance Hall - Meeting to discuss reducing the debt. Donations have been sent from teetotallers all over the country. 14/5
Funeral cortege of Joseph Holmes, 60, consists of the Band 4th Beds Volunteers playing 'Dead March in Saul', the hearse, a fly and Rifle Volunteers. 5/2
Transfer of property of Telegraph Company to Postmaster General with the business undertaken by Post Office. Regardless of distance the price is one shilling for 20 words, then three pence for additional five words. 12/2
Licence from Horse and Groom transferred from Samuel Green to Robert Aldridge. Superintendent George says 'it is an improvement'. 16/4
Slaughter House, stables and out-buildings in Butts Lane to be let. J Langridge. 26/2
I the undersigned will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife Louise after this date. Joseph Cheshire, Church Street. 26/2
The London and North Western Railway omnibus is in a collision with a gig driven by Mr Holland opposite the Temperance Hall. The springs of the omnibus and shafts and harness of the gig are broken and both horses fall down causing the drivers to be precipitated from their seats but no one is seriously injured. 12/3
Tenders are required for curbing and channelling on west side of High Street North from the Anchor Public House ending at the drain grating at Albion Road. 12/3
During a snowball fight a boy is hit with a snowball but his older brother accuses and assaults the wrong boy. Case dismissed.
Miss Elizabeth Tibbett advertises as a dressmaker, Icknield Street 2/4
Manor of Dunstable can purchase Tolls and Encroachment from the Commissioner of Woods and Forests for £750 plus two pieces of waste ground. 2/4 Town Clerk to be Steward of the Manor. 26/11
Mr Barford at the Red Lion Hotel shows symptoms of impending suffocation but with prompt and assiduous attention by Dr Farr he recovers returning home in a fly. 9/4
Death of Joseph Payne, assistant Judge, who was a bosom friend and associate of the late old rector Rev. Solomon Piggott, a constant visitor at the rectory and long associated with Dunstable. When Rev Piggott died 1845 Judge Payne wrote a hymn 'Our Pastor Sleeps' which was sung in the church. 9/4
Eight Franklin brothers ring church bells. 30/4
Church Restoration Fund - Earl Brownlow donates £25 and the remitted royalty due to him in the stone used in restoration amounts to another £38. 7/5
The “Old” Parish Church (ie the Priory) is re-opened for a service possibly cooler and less comfortable during the summer months but fit for the occasion. 16/7 Beams of the old roof are laid length wide down the nave, strong boards fixed across them as seats and covered with stout white canvass kindly lent by a friend of the restoration. Garden seats and chairs placed so all have a good view of the preacher. 23/7
People flock to George Inwards' premises to see twin calves, product of Mr Hambling's cow, joined as Siamese twins. 7/5
Five tons of first class Plaiting Straw is auctioned by Frederick Bull at the Railway Tavern adjacent to the railway station. 7/5
Henry E Hose, youngest son of Rev Hose, articled to Mr Benning solicitor has satisfactually passed the intermediate exam and received a certificate to that effect from Incorporate Law Society. 14/5 Crichton Benning rescues a near-unconscious Henry Hose from drowning at the pool at Wellhead. He receives a Royal Humane Society medal. 4/6 6/8
William Robinson grocer, High Street, after 31 years sells his business to Walter Monk. 14/5
Three men are witnessed chasing and killing a fowl in a field. Arthur Stimpson, the leader, having been in trouble before admits killing the bird, given two months the others let off with a few days. One man said he would rather do three months prison than be unemployed. 14/5
Police receive instructions to stop children playing cricket on the waste ground adjacent to Ladies Lodge. 11/6
Temperance Society holds a Gala in the grounds lent by J Gutteridge. George Cruikshank, aged 78, the celebrated temperance caricaturist, is the speaker. He reminded the audience that he was married in 1827 in the Priory Church. 11/6 2/7
Frederick Jones employed by Wodell Whitings breaks two bones in his leg when a barrow he is filling with chalk overbalances. Dr. Hicks attends. 18/6
Police receive complaints about smoke from Line's steam engine chimney and the dangerous state of several cellar flaps. 18/6
Thomas Cook, Cross Keys, Middle Row, has four unjust weights and William Fitness five unjust weights. Both fined 2/- with 9/6 costs. 18/6
Frank Nunn affixes obscene bills on certain premises of Mrs. Jardine and unlawfully injures certain parts of the electric telegraphic property of Her Majesty's Postmaster General. Prisoner is locked up but released when someone pays his fine. 25/6
David Tims, wheelwright and carpenter, moves to the premises previously occupied by M Gravestock, Maddox's Yard. 23/7
Mr Jardine defers the Mayor's Annual Dinner due to severe domestic afflictions. 30/7
A prisoner on paying his fine for being drunk and disorderly is escorted out of town by the police. 6/8
Frederick Farr, surgeon, sues Frederick Gurney, Eaton Bray, for £1.8.0 for medicine and visits to sick child. £1.5 to be paid in 2/6 month instalments. 13/8
Joseph Quarton takes over coal and coke business from W A Anstee. 13/8
Daniel George Gilbey, Relieving Officer, wilfully disobeyed an order from the Mayor directing that the body of Minnie Scott, then laying at St. Mary's Street, should be interred. Refused to give burial fees. Family had to sleep in the same room as the coffin. 20/8
Portion of building opposite the Red Lion Tap, partly pulled down, suddenly collapses. Person passing down adjoining passage at the time escapes without injury in a cloud of dust. 27/8
Samuel Brooks uses abusive and insulting words to John Battams caling him a “dirty old devil”. Case dismissed for insufficient evidence. Hearing had previously been adjourned because witneses were busy with the harvest. 27/8
A groom turns David Young out of the Saracen's Head as he was very drunk by lunch time. Tries to return then uses abusive language to police officer who takes him to the police station. 27/8
Permission is requested to place iron gratings in front of Mr Dightam's property, Middle Row. 27/8
Tenders invited for Public Street Lamps to be lit with gas. Lamp burns four feet of gas per hour, to average 9 hours each night, 24 hours each 4-8 months from 1 September. 27/8
Alfred Lancaster steals various vegetables from a field and garden belonging to John Holt, publican of the Anchor. Allowed to cross examine witness William Randall he hurls virulent abuse and it was difficult to get him to stop. 3/9 10/9 17/9 Alfred Lancaster seen wheeling a truck down Church Street containing a bag, later found to contain coke. Police officer stops him and Lancaster becomes abusive and strikes the officer in the chest. In court he pays a fine and is released only to be immediately arrested again for an offence in Luton. 26/11
National Society for the Aid to the Sick and Wounded in War formed. It has no partisan feeling,but gives help to soldiers in the Franco-Prussian War. List of contributors printed including Mrs Waterfield and her employees. Later they make up a large box of bed linen and clothing. 3/9 10/9 24/9
A 10/- reward will be given to any persons furnishing Mr John Lacey of West Street with the name of the person or persons who wrote an anonymous letter sent to him through the post with two pence to pay marked on it. A further reward of £1 will be given on the conviction of the said offender who concocted a libel on the character of his daughter. 3/9
Henry Gulliver and a companion go to Studham for the purpose of gathering nuts. They meet two acquaintances, one of whom has a gun which Gulliver offers to carry and places in the inside pocket of his coat. Bending to pick up some object the gun falls from his pocket, the cap strikes a stone and explodes lodging the whole of the charge in his arm and chest. In a critical condition and to save his life his arm is amputated. The operation is a success at first but then the heart ceases. 10/9
Duplicate Mayor - a person has been going round claiming to be the Mayor and giving lectures. This later proved to be a false rumour. 17/9 24/9
Three meadows situated in Butts Lane, to be let: 13 acres of good sward (short grass). One meadow contains a shed, barn and well of water. 24/9
Death of Samuel Collis, 80, formerly of the Priory. 29/6
C Lockhart advertises Spencer Jackets - a short waist-length, double-breasted, man's jacket. Originally named for George Spencer, 2nd Earl Spencer (1758-1834), who is reported to have had a tail-coat adapted after its tails caught fire. 1/10
Advert - Mrs A Lockhart. Milliner, Dress and Mantle Maker. 9 Victoria Street, late of 25 Albion Street. Gentleman's Shirts, Ladies and Juvenile Underclothing made to order. 8/10
Statute Fair this year is just mainly a few shows and donkey rides. A court case ensues after Charles Markham, 100 Church Street, son of blacksmith, mistakenly hands over a shilling coin for a half penny donkey ride. 1/10
Mrs Fear of The Globe calls police as Thomas Stevens is drunk and in a fighting mood. Shouts 'He won't have any d... police down in Edward Street' before being taken to the cells. Fined 7/6 and 9/- expenses. 1/10
Mr Bowles employed to tend and keep in repair the Town Hall Clock for £2.2.0 per annum. 1/10
Rifle Volunteers requested to return anything connected with rifles to the armoury immediately as be converted into breech loading Sniders. 1/10 45 volunteers hold competition at rifle range. Officer intends to donate a cup and a few small prizes. Some members suggest if the inhabitants are asked they would give something as the volunteers had never received anything from them. Committee formed successfully collected money and kind upwards to £20 which will be awarded to members according to merit. 15/10
Erection of Police Station. £507.4.0 borrowed from Corporation of Bankers. 15/10
Burial Board - Plan submitted for the tomb of the late Mrs Thomas Percival with inscription. 15/10
Inquest with jury is held in the Borough Arms, Albion Street. Minerva Eliza Adams, staying with her cousin Hannah Adams, bonnet sewer, and sleeping in the same bed suddenly sits up and falls out of bed dead. James George Adams, her husband of three months, is working away. Jury verdict death from natural causes as doctor could find no health problems. Coroner said most extraordinary case ever under his notice. 12/11
Coming over the Downs a person sees a bright light. The fire brigade harnesses its horses and waits for direction but none come. Next day they hear there was a farm on fire at Billington but Leighton Buzzard brigade responded. 19/11
Joseph Mayes, plaiter, steals a roll of calico from Alfred Holmes, West Street, but is seen by Septimus Franklin walking down Church Street towards the station. Station porter is suspicious and police called. Seven years penal servitude and seven years police supervision. 26/11 7/1/71
Plans passed for six cottages to be erected by J Langridge opposite Congregational Chapel, Edward Street. 26/11
Detachment of the 11th Royal Artillery, 130 men and 6 guns, stop overnight en route to Weedon Barracks, Northampton. 2/12
Mr Staffell sends the council a drawing of the Borough Arms ably executed and framed in oak obtained from a beam of Parish Church. 12/11
Four boys are seen throwing stones at and kicking a sheep belonging to Joseph Darby, butcher. Court determined to stop this cruel sport. Fined for trespassing in field which had no right of way or footpath. 3/12
Auction - Extensive partly erected freehold building originally intended for a public house, communicating with the building at the rear formally occupied as two cottages with ample carriage way and use of well of water on eastern side and rightof passage on western side of the premises situated opposite the White Horse, Church Street and adjoined by property of Mr S Simmons. The next year this is put up for sale by John Morris. 3/12 17/6/71
Auction - Plot Freehold Building Ground situated in Victoria Street and adjoining the Temperance Hall having a frontage to the said street of 72 feet, average depth of about 40 feet together with the right of carriage way through the gates of eastern side of the Temperance Hall. 3/12
Auction of Temperance Hall rendered necessary to discharge a mortgage debt. 10/12
First Court Leet of the Manor since its sale to the Borough. In 1814 the jury appointed two Ale Tasters who could demand a pint of ale every quarter free of expense from any hotel etc. No reason why custom should not be adhered to. The boundaries are walked round to take possession. Free school boys beat the boundaries and at each post one is bumped to “impress on their memories”. 10/12
Temperance Hall - Harrison's Panorama of War and other scenes. 17/12
James Fountain assaults William Parrott at the Sportsman's Arms, Winfield Street, over payment of money owed to Fountain. Witness has to suffer very long cross examination which causes considerable amusement but proves of little use. 17/12
Formation of the Excelsior Temperance Band with 21 members. 31/12 21/1
Death of John Johnson, aged 70, well respected landlord of the Sugar Loaf who had succeeded his uncle there Thomas Coates. 31/12
Alfred Ayre charged with stealing 28 lbs of hay from the Carpenters Arms, High Street South and sentenced to 21days with hard labour. 17/12
1871 |
Funeral of John Johnson, Sugar Loaf. With few exceptions all shops en route partially or wholly closed and blinds drawn in private houses. 7/1 Sugar Loaf licence transferred to Jane Johnson, his wife. 11/2
Christmas Tree fete at Temperance Hall to raise money for new front of Baptist Chapel. Tree placed near entrance and covered with fruit, toys, useful articles etc. Proceeds amounted to £80. 28/12
Rifle Volunteers and Fire Brigade have dinner at the Saracen's Head. Fire Brigade speech - 'Up until 1857 there was positively no provision in Dunstable for the preservation of life and property in case of fire. There was indeed a small old engine which was sometimes in repair and sometimes out of repair and there was no organised body of men to man it when required. There was another engine an agile young creature rejoicing in the name of the Barrel Engine which surely could not have been made by mortal man but must have either grown or blown or somehow or other smuggled itself into existence or it would almost favour the presumption that at one period of the world's history inanimate objects had the power of propagating their species and that the breed like sheep was improved by crossing and no doubt the barrel organ was the joint production of a dung cart and a mesh tub bearing a striking resemblance to its father as it does its mother' 11/2
Rifle Volunteers receive Snider rifles in lieu of old Enfields. 4/3 Rifle Volunteers request use of the Town Hall for band practise as members object to rehearsing in tap rooms of public houses. 13/5
George Rhodes employed by Mr Tearle on a truck at the railway station when some shunting knocked him down and a wheel ran over his foot. Amputated by Mr Farr assisted by Dr Hicks. 18/2
Workshop Regulation Act 1870 - Superintendent George reports that the four Plait Schools in the town are not workshops and will not be inspected in future. 25/2 Sarah Hutchins seems to be employing her daughter Zilpam Hutchinson, under eight years, as a plaiter, together with others. But as Zilpam attends her aunt's school and these are Sarah's own children the premises are not classed as a workshop. 4/3 When the police check at Mrs M Elliott's manufacturing there is a rush of people to escape through the back door but two are caught. Two other girls are in the kitchen which is the drying room. Penalty: £1 each. 11/3
Complaint about the church choir. Described as truly intolerable rendering aborting all the efforts of the tuneful members of the congregation wishing to join with them. Either a new choir should be formed or steps taken to improve the present one. 25/2
Edmund Wildman, travelling actor, puts up a stage and scenery in Wood Street and presents a play 'Hunger, or cast upon the world'. He is fined £2 for not having a licence to do so. His wife had collected money at the entrance. The court wishes to be lenient and the money is classed as a free gift or offering and did not infringe the Act. 11/3
John Wood, drover, cruelly beats a sheep, the property of Alfred Pitkin. Discharged with a caution. 11/3
French seaman Duval Jean Marie Cherval, aged 31, accused of accosting Mrs. Marsh at Star and Garter whilst drunk, striking Phoebe who tries to help her mother. Case adjoined until an interpreter (M L Hespiradoux) can be found. Witnesses describe the conduct of the mob that follows him as disgraceful; they kick and push him down so the poor fellow scarcely knows what to do. Charge withdrawn and the fine is paid by a gentleman in the court. 11/3
Disgraceful scene on Monday night when about 100 people assembled outside the house of a foreigner who has taken up his residence amongst us and salutes him with some splendid rough music. 18/3
Royal Artillery of 110 men and 90 horses stop overnight before travelling to Sheffield. 18/3
Detachment of Royal Artillery 10 privates, two corporals and 22 horses stop overnight. In the High Street a child is knocked down and run over by a horse but apart from slight bruising no injury is incurred. 10/6
Inniskillin Dragoon Squad, coming from Brighton, stop overnight to rest the horses before proceeding to Stony Stratford and another squad arrives next day. A third group arrives from St. Albans but the band goes by train so Dunstable's Rifle Volunteers Band plays in front of the Saracen's Head while the officers have dinner. 22/4
Edward Burr resigns as Trustee of the Ashton Charity as he is now living at Leamington. 18/2
Ashton Charity Grammar School - difference of opinion among the Trustees as fund should be for Dunstable only. 18/3 6/5 20/5
John Howes, 60, visits various churches but interferes with ladies during the service claiming he has to move his leg and hands because of his rheumatism. Did not pay fine so warrant issued for his arrest, speedily apprehended and conveyed to Bedford gaol. 18/3 1/4
A donkey is left from 1 until 8 in Albion Street by Joseph Maynard who is fined 1/-. 18/3
William and George Odell, whiting manufacturers, sell business to Charles Toyne & Co. temporary offices 54 High Street North. 18/3
T J Mullings purchases coal business from George F Hopkins. 18/3
Two or three houses in Chapel Street belonging to Miss Higgs are unfit for habitation. In one house occupied by Mr Howard, six children living whenever seen were black, dirty, their hair matted and the stench was abominable. 25/3
William York, an old man, is found begging without a licence in Britain Street. The bench wish to deal as leniently possible. Willing to dismiss the case on payment of fine. As he is unable the case is adjourned. Month later fined 9/- but has month to pay as only has 6/9. 1/4 27/5
Frederick Tutte requests a Warrant of Ejectment on Thomas Sanders, 12 Albert Street. Had called but door locked so climbed in through window. Family hiding upstairs and threatened him. Warrant granted 1/4
Williams Higgs, builder, claims in an advert that the firm was established in 1770. 22/4
James Hutchins, straw dealer, hires a horse from John Flint but deals cruelly with it. It is returned, left outside without its sack, very stiff from a sharp frost and with 10 cuts and blood on it. Horse gradually recovers. 22/4
Mary Nicholls, 138 High Street and Britain Street, (late husband William Nicholls) will continue with the business with her son Gilbert. Printing, Writing, Gilding, Ornamental Drawing and Carriage painting. 22/4
Auction of 66 Gas Shares at Saracen's Head - £16 for one lot, average price £15.5.0. Our local shareholders may congratulate themselves on the enhancing value of their property in the eyes of the public. 2/4
Auction, by instructions from the trustees of the late John Willoughby: Duke's Head public house, South Street; adjoining house in South Street with straw hat manufacturing out-building etc now in the occupation of Miss Osborn (The Grey House) 30/5 27/5 3/6
George Ellis, Royal Marines, a deserter, is remanded waiting to hear from the War Office. 6/5
1871 Census Population in Dunstable 4,558 increased by 88. 6/5
Frederick Arthur Farr has passed Anatomy and Physiology at Royal College of Surgeons of England. 13/5
Bankrupt Act 1869 - William Valentine Burgess of London and Albion Road, Dunstable - Straw plait and straw hat manufacturer. 27/5
Sale of land by Edward Burr in West Street and Icknield Road. 6 lots front of West Street, 4 lots in Icknield Road, 10 lots to the new roads now being made from Icknield Road to West Street. 27/5
Rifle Volunteers march down Church Street to the station headed by the Excelsior Brass Band. 3/6
Some members of the Rifle Volunteers Band refuse to obey a commanding officer and form a break-away group. There is "a disgraceful scene" when Rifle Volunteers returning to the Drill Shed, Saracen's Head, led by the Excelsior Band found their ex band had placed themselves there for the purpose of saluting the Excelsior with a series of discordant notes from their instruments “most horrible to hear”. Their intentions to disturb the equanimity of the other players and to make them increase the discord if possible by even marching through their ranks are stopped by the crowd and volunteers. But they are not successful as the playing of the Excelsior was never better and when finished they are greeted with deafening cheers for their success. The Royal Borough retired to a short distance, not being able to do what they intended to do. It is a pity that they should entertain such jealous feelings if they cannot gratify the public then let others do their share. 10/6
Death of Daniel Tibbett (founder of the Dunstale Gazette) and wife. 3/6 1/7
Notice To The Public - The executors beg to announce that in consequence of the decease of Mr Daniel Tibbett, the late Proprietor and Publisher of the Dunstable “Borough Gazette”, the entire responsibility of the business evolves on them; and they trust by constant attention and skilful workmanship, to merit a continuance of the favours that have been for many years so liberally accorded to the late firm. James Tibbett senior Kezia Goode Tibbett. Repeated again signed James Tibbett only when Mrs Kezia Tibbett dies. 8/7
Turn Pike Trust - A memorial to the Secretary of State for the Home Department from the Inhabitants of Dunstable and various towns. Its object the removal of the Toll Gate leading from Dunstable to Markyate Street and is in the office of S D B Middleton for signatures. It is hoped a large number of the inhabitants will work hand in hand for the speedy downfall of this great drawback to the Borough of Dunstable. 3/6
J F Taylor Morse Esq. BA of Corpus Christi College & Classical Master of the Dunstable Collegiate School is ordained Deacon by the Bishop of Ely on Trinity Sunday and licensed to the curacy of Houghton Regis. 10/6
Mr Champness's mastiffs successsful at Crystal Palace Dog Show where his fame as a breeder was well established. 17/6
Two men from Leighton Buzzard steal ¾ hundred weight of Fullers earth from Toyne & Co. whiting manufacturers, Edward Street. 17/6
William Martin and Phoebe Brown acquitted of stealing 35/- from Joseph Bowers, landlord of Greyhound beer house. 17/6 24/6
Town Clock sometimes unlit caused by the frost. 21/1 28/1 Lightning conductor on the Town Clock saves it during severe thunder storm. 24/6
Visit by Beds Archaeology Society to view church etc. Samuel Burgess, tailor, High Street exhibits some of the town's treasures including the Pall, tobacco pipe with top of clay, copy of the Charter and Communion Plate 1728. 1/7
When Elizabeth Brown is married her dress is described as very rich pale lavender silk decorated with in white. The bridesmaids wear white dresses trimmed with pink and a short white veil. The breakfast is a recherché affair. (The paper gives the impression this is not a usual traditional wedding.) 24/6
Theophlius Cootes, tailor, digs up a coin in his garden and told it is worth 22/-. Harriett Whitcombe purchases it for 10/-but it is under weight for a spade guinea (reverse features a spade-shaped shield, George III) and only worth 1d. 24/6
James Randall applies to erect drying room for his dyeing works in Princes Street. 24/6
Munt & Brown provides a plentiful spread for the employees in a large workroom as the weather was unfavourable. A few of the Excelsior Brass Band members are present and play lively tunes. 15/7
W H Derbyshire writes famed poem about the Alabama warship 1/7
William Dutchess, 32, plait brusher, and Catherine Green, 36, bad characters, found trespassing in an unoccupied house in Chapel Alley, property of Mary Higgs.There have been complaints that the house is used for immoral purposes. 8/7
Ancient Order of Foresters hold their 6th fete and the Luton Order of Brothers agree to join them in Dunstable Park. 8/7
Seven-year-old Blindell of Manchester Place, playing with friends in a field, is hanging onto the back of a hay cart. It suddenly tips up on to him breaking his thigh. Dr Hicks sets the bone and the child makes favourable progress. 15/7
Death of Mrs Green, 83, an old inhabitant of Dunstable at the Alms Houses. Went to Church Sunday School treat in good health then died in her bed of possible heart disease. 29/7
Baptist Chapel School Treat. Children ride in a wagon to the meadow lent by Joseph Scroggs at Sewell. There they play innocent games and have a grand tea. 22/7
A good crowd gathers round Simeon Smithand in the market place where he holds an open air meeting together with the Excelsior Band before proceeding into the Temperance Hall for his main lecture. 22/7
William Young fined one shilling for hawking without a licence 22/7
Arthur Champkin, 12, steals apples from Kingsbury Farm orchard, where Edwin William Brown is the tenant. 22/7
John Gadsden, butcher, knowingly sells a dog carcass 3/- declaring it to be a goat. 12/8
Local Wesleyan preacher visiting another parish when a member of the congregation asks him to desist if he cannot preach better. The service is stopped and the congregations disperse. 26/8
Elizabeth Davis a miserable looking woman drunk and riotous in High Street South. No money and requested to leave town. Later found in another public house and says she wants to go to prison. Had been in fined in Bedford previous week. 26/8
House holders in Upper Albion Street, Victoria Street, Princes Street to be informed that paths there are to be paved. Number agree on condition the Board pays half the expense. 26/8
Mr Field, High Street, grocer, lights the gas in the shop and throws paper on floor but it falls into box of papers. The shop fills with smoke but no serious damage done. 26/8
Fire destroys railway station September 27 1871
1872 |
Market Day - Miss Hopkins injured by large bullock on market day. Her two friends hide in Mr Chambers' yard. 6/1
After 20 years Daniel Tibbett's business is sold to J M Houghton, printer etc 71 High Street North. 4/5
Buff Cochin Fowls first class birds, a few for sale 21/- each. W J H School House. NB Laying hens guaranteed to weigh 14½ lbs per couple. (Cochins big Chinese breed all fluff and feathers. Adored by Queen Victoria) 6/1 24/2
Advert - Mrs Twigg Upper West Street has been appointed sole agent in this district for sale of Weirs 55/- Sewing Machine in place of her late husband George Twigg. About 20 at work in the town. 13/1
Dunstable Institute meeting in Town Hall - After a month of suspended animation the institute has again returned its vitality. 20/1
Temperance Hall - Dunstable Institute hold annual soiree. 3/2 10/2. Poland Street Handbell Ringers perform to a crowded hall. 25/5 12/10. Orville Pitcher, mimic, 'Lights & Shade' 7/9 Mr Inwards a good friend of George Cruickshank pays tribute to him on his 80th birthday. Reminding people of his drawings (Dunstable Straw Sellers), that he was married in the Priory Church, visited Dunstable two years ago and his son married a Dunstable girl. 5/10 A lecture by Mr Copley 'From Snow to Fire' 17/2 Prizes distributed to 4th Beds Rifle Volunteers followed by a concert. 1/11 Rev. R Roberts speaking about Bishop Hooper. 3/11
Auction of Farming Stock - Mr Whinnett is leaving the town. 20/1 . To Be Let - House on the Square with possessions. William Whinnett. 9/3
To Be Let at Midsummer that genteel residence known as Evansville, opposite the Rectory. 20/1. Sale first class furniture Evansville order of Mrs Ellis who is removing. 15/6 Evansville later sold and purchased by G Lockhart.
Levi Robinson steals two pieces of pork from Walter Todd, Carpenters Arms, High Street South. 27/1 Sentenced to two months hard labour. 16/3
Dinner given to officials and servants of Great Northern Railway by principal customers. 3/2
John Watson, professional tramp, not worked for 10 years, drunk and riotous in High Street North has in possession superior kit, umbrella, walking stick, 2/6 in money, half a peck of bread, meat, pudding, 2 knives and forks, 2 spoons, 2 combs, scented soap, 2 diaper towels, items stolen from last lodgings. Nothing to show he had been a soldier but claims to have been in Her Majesty's 9th Regiment of Foot. 10/2
Thomas Smart, 14, steals 1s 3d in coppesr from till of his employer Edward Emery, grocer. He is to be given six strokes with a birch rod in the presence of his father. 10/2
Annie Andrews, tramp, receives 14 days from the Magistrates Court for being drunk and riotous and using obscene and abusive language in the streets. Being taken to the police station she again insults several persons using filthy language and as a result receives a further 14 days. 17/2
Thomas Pearson Gostelow is charged with assault and using threats towards his wife. Bound over to keep the peace for six months, himself £50, and 2 sureties on £25 each. 17/2
Thomas Pearson Gostelow, of The Square, Dunstable, gives notice, that, having made an agreement for an allowance to his wife Elizabeth Gostelow, for her maintenance, he will not be responsible for her debts. 17/2 Elizabeth Gostelow, is charged with wilfully breaking windows doing damage to the amount of 5s in the house of Thomas Pearson Gostelow etc. 24/2
Quarterly meeting of the Burgesses of the Borough agrees to use the Downs as a place of recreation. 17/2 Planned Easter Monday demonstration on the Downs to reclaim some ploughed land for a recreation ground is called off. 24/2 Notices circulate about a demonstration on the Downs on 1st April. 500 people arrive to find it is an April Fool's Day joke. 6/4
A letter on velum sent by the council to Queen Victoria on the recovery of the Prince of Wales. Council receives thanks for the kind wishes. 17/2 11/5
Mr Squire, butcher, requests to remain in his premises at the town hall for a further two weeks as his other house is not ready yet. He is to receive compensation for goods damaged by rain during the time the town hall roof was under repair. 17/2
The lease on the land in front of Mrs Oliver's property in Church Street and the council to take possession by fencing and laying stones etc. 17/2
Posts to be erected at each corner of Church Green as far as the ground belongings to the corporation. Posts also to be put up in South Street near the 'Half Moon' to define the boundary of the borough. 17/2
To Let. 2 Britain Street. House, large garden, store and piggery, moderate rent. Apply Mrs J Smyth. 17/2
Grocers close their respective places of business on Thanksgiving Day. Many others do the same and take advantage of the excursion train to London from Church Street. 24/2
Very few shares applied for in Water Company. 24/2
Drainage for Union Street, Ashton School. 24/2
Market Day. Posts to be put on the Square to tether animals as they are a danger to the public. 24/2
Complaints about very offensive pigsty in the White Horse yard. 24/2
To Be Sold Cheap - Bicycle with hickory wheels etc. T Squire West Street. 24/2
Plot of land in Regent Street sold adjoining property of Mr W Jardine. 24/2
Sale of household furniture, tailor's stock in trade, 5 High Street Samuel Burges, the elder. 2/3
Death of Samuel Burges,70, ex mayor and holder of many local offices. 26/10
Rifle Volunteers - Resignation of Colonel Russell, County MP as feels a more active battalion leader is required. 2/3 With the resignation of Mr Merifield, F Brown is made a lieutenant. 27/7
Suicide in a well of John Wesley, landlord of the Wheatsheaf, High Street North. 9/3
To be Let: The Plume of Feathers, close to Market Place. 9/3 Plume of Feathers licence transferred from Mrs Standbridge to Mr Wallis. 13/4
Repairs, additions and alterations to the present National School in Church Street to enable it to be opened as an infant school as soon as possible. £150 required but the house for the mistress not to be erected yet. 30/3
Thomas Goulter steals horse from J Osborne. 6/4 Sentenced to 18 months hard labour 13/4
Dunstable United Cricket Club elects a committee. 13/4
A writer asks: Should the N be left out of Dunstable until the streets are watered to lay the dust? 20/4
Wesleyan Day School Presentation is interrupted, with apologies, by Mr Watts with a parcel for Mr Joseph Dyer, headmaster, containing a handsome album of four portraits of the scholars and a silver pencil case with supply of lead in an ivory case. 27/4
Four boys damage telegraph wires on the Square. A whipcord with button attached was thrown over the wire. Lenient view taken by the court as it was not done with malice - case dismissed. 4/5
Kirby Road obstructed when a trench is dug across it. Guilty party understood the road was not within the jurisdiction of the corporation. Case withdrawn provided the road is made good and 6s 6d costs paid. 4/5
Mrs Roe gives a well-attended lecture on music in Mr B Bennett's warehouse. 11/5
Albert Rust alias Yankee, alias Smith, alias Joseph Palmer charged with burglariously breaking out of Dunstable Tramp Ward and stealing 2 suits of clothing leaving two men in state of nudity when found by the William Boyce superintendent. 11/5 1/6 Rust, with 47 previous convictions, later sentenced to 7 years 6/7
T J Mullings, coal merchant, retires and business taken over by W A Hukins, 2 Chiltern Villas, West Street. 1/6 Later T J Mullings purchases the Red Lion 12/10
Sugar Loaf reopened after alterations and improvements. 1/6
John Acres, ostler, is attacked at the Saracen's Head by George Makepeace while leading a horse and conveyance. The passenger is also attacked. 1/6
John Harrison of the Star and Garter, High Street South, summoned for permitting a nuisance by keeping pigs under the Mission Hall, King Street. Ordered to move them in seven days and 8/6 costs. 1/6
Letter - Reports likely to injure me (F T Garrett) in my business may arise out of the misconduct of a young man who has been in my employ for nearly 12 months past, and who has lately absconded, I shall feel obliged if you will give publicity to the facts of the case, which are these: - The two articles belonging to persons in this town, which he has taken away with him, were not brought, or sent to me, or to my place of business, but were given to him to execute; I, myself, knowing nothing of the transaction. The matter is thus entirely out of my hands, as I cannot prosecute. I have done everything in my power to procure his arrest, by giving all the information I possess, and defraying the costs of a warrant for his apprehension. Hoping these facts will be sufficient to satisfy the public that I am in no way to blame in the matter. 8/6
Bull Pond Road Gates. Erected by Messrs Bowden & Cheshire and Mr Collings from High Street North to Bull Pond Road with a notice - Trespassers Will Be Prosecuted. To be removed within one month or council will remove and charge. 29/6
Bowden & Cheshire with friends pay for Mrs M Carpenter and her five children to travel by train back home to London. The family had been deserted by the husband and had walked from Northampton to Dunstable. 7/9
To Be Let: an eight-roomed house, stable, chaise house, small garden etc. Albion Street. W Cheshire, James Robinson, Albion Street Builders. 29/6
Two seven-roomed houses to be let in High Street North, one with large warehouse and stable. Mrs Gibbard, High Street. 6/7
For Sale excellent cottage pianoforte in walnut by Metzler. E Hanchard, Market Place. 29/6
Church Schools had annual treat in Priory Grounds with approximately 500 children attending. 20/7
Wedding of Miss Mary Farr, eldest daughter, of Mr Frederick Farr. 42 people sit down at Montpelier House to a “recherché dejeuner”. 20/7
Foresters Fete - Several fights take place and the police are kept busy. Pc Tofield attempts to assist Superintendent George who is trying to break up a fight. Hiram Simpson fights violently when spring snaps are put on his wrist. 20/7 While trying to break up another fight Pc Tofield is assaulted and his helmet smashed rendering it useless. 27/7
To Laundresses - Good business for immediate disposal. Situated close to Great Northern Station. Apply J Osborn, Queenboro' House. 20/7
Open-air Service is held at Plantation, Brewers Hill. 27/7
After church and chapel an open-air service is held in Dunstable Park, lent by Mr Brown. About 1,000 persons attend. 10/8
Three heavy thunderstorms. Mr Donne's cellar in Church Street is flooded. The fire engine is brought out to empty the cellar. 27/7
Wesleyan Chapel reopened having been closed for three weeks for cleaning and renovation. 3/8
New railway station in Church Street to replace the old one burnt down last year. Omnibus from the Red Lion Hotel to meet the trains at Great Northern Station. Church Street path nearly finished. 3/8
12th Lancers including two officers, 24 men and 33 horses stop en route to Leeds. Headquarters at Mr Merifield's Saracen's Head. 10/8
Death of Miss Geraldine Hooper, married name Mrs Henry Dening, a well-known lady preacher, who had visited Dunstable where around 4,000 attended her meeting. On a second visit the number increased to 7,000. 10/8
Town Hall - Mr H Elliott to be architect. Mr Bennett offers a corner piece of land to the rear of the Town Hall. An outbuilding to be built at the rear for market stalls and a fire engine house. 17/8 Fire Engine to be moved from old fire house in a few days. 23/11 Fire Brigade supper at Blue Anchor pub to celebrate recent occupation of new engine house. 21/12
James Pratt leaves a donkey and cart in Ashton Street causing an obstruction and blocking the street for 2 or 3 hours. Had been cautioned about this before. 17/8
James Jardine, aged 10, steals 2s 3d from Jabez Turpin. Six strokes of the birch by Superintendent George. 17/8
T Squire given permission to erect a barn on a piece of ground adjacent to the Tramp Ward. 24/8
Thomas Squire submits a plan for a stable to be built in Albion Street subject to committee's inspection. 23/11
Dunstable Collegiate reopens for winter term. Special language classes. 24/8
Wanted by the advertiser a situation. Accustomed to milk, attend to cows and make himself useful in the dairy. Apply Alfred Bandy, 9 Chapel Walk. 31/8
Josiah Summerlin in court for desertion from Her Majesty's 2nd Battalion, 16th Regiment of Foot stationed at Colchester. 20/7
C Battalion of the C Brigade, Royal Horse Artillery, en route from Dublin to Woolwich, were billeted in the town on Friday night, and on Tuesday the B Battalion of the same Brigade en route to Woolwich halted here. 7/9
Sergeant J Fitzwilliam recognises James Bowes as a deserter from B Battalion. While escorting him to the police station Bowes snatches the sergeant's sword and runs off but is caught and given into police custody. 14/9
Pc Addington arrests George Fowler at the First and Last, a deserter from Her Majesty's Royal Horse Artillery. In his bundle is a regimental cap, jacket, gloves, and facing. Taken to Bedford to await escort. 19/10
Superintendent George arrests Alfred Walsh for having two defective and unstamped measures on his Dunstable market stall, underselling the fruit. 7/9
Mr Read, West Street, bet his friends he could dig a bushel of potatoes in five minutes. In front of witnesses he surprised them by digging three bushels in the allotted time. 14/9
J W Fountain, Contractor & Jobbing Carpenter has removed from Church Street to premises late in the occupation of Mr Barber, Princes Street. 14/9 Bankruptcy Court - J Clarke Barber, Princes Street, builder - Liquidation instituted. 19/10 Charles Barber, Princes Street. Plumber, Painter etc. Business still carried on at the premises lately occupied by his father J C Barber. 1/11
Death of Henry Lockhart, 61 years, landlord, Red Lion Hotel. 20/7 Sarah Lockhart, widow takes over the business. 3/8 Detailed description published of Red Lion Hotel, up for sale. 12/9 Red Lion Hotel sold by private contract to T J Mullings, late coal merchant. 12/10 Sale of nearly 300 dozen bottles of Port, Sherry etc.. selected with great judgement by late Mr Lockhart. Lain in cellar great number of years. 30/11
Henry Buckridge, sweep, charged with permitting a boy to ascend a chimney of Thomas Squire, West Street (Decorator and Picture Framer). 5/10
Sale of two freehold properties of the late Eli Horn, West Street, occupied by a butcher and watchmaker. The building, on the corner of Albion Street, is bought by Mr Cumberland for £900. 5/10
Six Special Constable sworn in. 12/10
Itinerate dealer in cutlery called 'Poker' commits suicide by taking poison. Had been drinking then purchased laudanum (said for his horse) but outside the shop drank it himself. 12/10
Typhoid and Typhus fever in Edward Street and a death in Church Street from the same malady. 26/10
High Street workmen come across a solid foundation of masonry making an arched roof of an extensive vault. Conjecture that this is part of a former town gaol.
Council have long discussion before refusing Mrs Waterfield's application for two bay windows to be built in property in High Street North (later Pizza Hut). There are some bay windows in West Street but do not infringe public right of way. 26/10
Priory Church - First service since the renovation. Mayor and corporation attend. 1/11
Archaeological Society of London and Middlesex visits the area, staying at the Sugar Loaf. 23/11
Steam from Mr Henton's bleach house kills the plants in a nearby garden. 23/11
Mr Holland complains about his landlord Mr White allowing brimstone to come over his fence. Boards erected are not working and the pipe to carry off the steam is not ready yet. 28/12
Mr Cumberland is allowed to pull down and reconstruct a pig sty in Icknield Street subject to inspection. 23/11
John Smith assaults George Abraham in White Swan over an argument of a horse sale. 23/11
Death of Elizabeth Tibbett aged 32 years, 11 High Street. Wife of James Tibbett jnr, printer 30/11
George Derbyshire, recently very ill, is thought by some councillors to be no longer a suitable person to be vaccination officer because of his advanced years. Discussed several times but retained the position having served the town well. 30/11
Brandreth Gibbs Esq. Trustee of Houghton Hall Estate, will permit his nephew to be an Honorary Member of the Rifle Corps. 21/12
Mr Brown, fishmonger, High Street, employed Philip Fox and two other boys to sell sprats. They were supplied with a basket and measure to return when all sold. Philip did not return with basket or money. Magistrates told Mr Brown to see the boys for himself. 14/12
Tenders invited for supplying Dunstable Fire Engines with four Post Horses and competent drivers when required in or out of the Town. 28/12
Charles James, soldier, arrives in town only to be insulted and jeered at by James Markham who for no reason hits him. Case dismissed but Markham must pay the costs. 28/12
William Champkin, a butcher, buys holly from Mr Rudd's shepherd at the Swan with Two Necks to take to his lodgings at the Rose & Crown. Charles Fensome takes the holly from him and runs off. Later declares it was just a lark. 28/12 Court acquits him. 4/1
1873 |
Infant School to open and admit children age 3 years. Miss Cleverly is the mistress. Charge is 2d per week but more than one child the first pays 2d the others 1d each. 4/1
A greater portion in the basement of the Town Hall to be converted into a Plait Hall. First floor to be Magistrates' Chambers with Retiring Room. Need to purchase a small projecting part of outbuilding at the rear of Crown Inn owned by Mr B Bennett. 4/1 Purchased for £100. 29/3 Town Hall to be insured for £1,000, Town Clock for £200, Police Station £400, the building in the rear of the Town Hall containing the Fire Engine £100, and the Market Stalls therein stored £100. 25/1 Amended roof plans for Plait Hall so it can be used for other purposes e.g. concerts and meetings. Roof to be less triangular and more arched form. 3/5 Purchased for £100. 29/3
William Flint in the Tap Room of the Plume of Feathers assaults Recruiting Sergeant John Fitzgerald. Accused him of knocking over his wife. Fined 10/- or one month with hard labour. 4/1
Plume of Feathers landlord George Wallace accused of beating his employee Arthur Wellington. Wallace hits Arthur with his fists saying he is paid 1/- for cleaning a horse and had not done so. Not true as Bill How has helped. This is the third time he has beaten the boy injuring him with his fists. 4/1
Temperance Hall - Rev. Arthur Mursell lecture on 'Old Women of Both Sexes'. A prolific Baptist speaker. 11/1. Public meeting of Friends and Supporters of Suppression of Liquor Traffic. 18/1 A talk 'Object and Aims of National Temperance League is very thinly attended. 8/3 Noah Bailey tells how he had met Queen Victoria when she called to see a sick man he was visiting. 3/5. Royal Osborn Hand Bell Ringers. 3/9 Richard Snelling gives a talk on George Cruickshank's picture 'The Worship of Bacchus'. Took two years 1850-1852 to complete and at present (1873) hangs in the Kensington Museum. 8/10 Mr Wyndham's London Comedy Co. perform 'The Happy Land', a politico-satirical burlesque, Gladstone and Lowe figure copiously. Followed by 'The Naughty Can Can'. 17/12
Duke of Bedford, Honorary Colonel of the Rifle Volunteers, contributes £200 towards the camp expenses in Dunstable Park next summer. 18/1
Water Board bores 150 feet for water. 18/1 Water Hydrants affixed to Water Co pipes for Fire Brigade to use. 25/1
Gas & Water Co. opens when all customers whose services have been laid can obtain a supply. 17/5
Dinner at the Sugar Loaf Hotel provided by G F Hopkins, W H Derbyshire, T C Johnson for entertainment of farmers and other gents who frequent Dunstable Market. 18/1
Four commodious freehold houses in Mount Street advertised for sale as forming a compact block easily converted into straw manufacturing.18/1
John Burgess, 64, ostler employed by Munt, Brown & Co. found dead in the stable belonging to the Priory. Had complained of head and chest pains. A dog continually barking raised the alarm. Inquest verdict: Deceased died from the visitation of God. 15/2
Tender for horsing the Fire Engine from Mr. T. J. Mullins of the Red Lion Hotel, two horses and a driver for each engine for 19s 6d, is accepted 25/1 Mr. Botterill instructed to overhaul the Fire Brigade engines for general repairs and cleaning. 25/1
Mr Maddocks did not have proper water closets on his St. Mary's Street property. 14 days to amend or the work to be done and he will be charged. 25/1
Boys reprimanded in court for causing damage with catapults. Police told to confiscate any catapults and all deliquents guilty in future would receive the birch. 25/1
Monsieur Georges Bolle from Paris, a master at Dunstable Collegiate School, will give private lessons on moderate terms. 1/2
Attempted suicide at First and Last, Church Street. J Hines, platelayer, because of ill health was occasionally delirious. Attempted to cut his throat. 1/2
Mrs Franklin's young son found in the church yard with other boys. No right to be there at that time so thought to be intent on mischief. Severely reprimanded. 1/2
Boys of the town had been allowed to slide on the pond at Kingsbury farmyard. Owing to their obstreperous and malignant behaviour of late Mrs Brown will bring proceedings against anyone sliding there. Nine boys subsequently brought before the Mayor for sliding at Kingsbury Farm. Boys dismissed but in future the sentence would be 40/- fine or 8 to 10 strokes with the birch rod. 1/2
Auction of four three-storey houses no. 86, 87, 88, 89 South Street. 22/2
Mr Benning applied on behalf Mrs. Sarah Anna Bennett, West Street, for an order of protection. Her husband had left her eight years previously and since then had acquired through her own industry some little property. Granted. 22/2
William Biggs puts the Isle of Wight Farm up for auction. 8/3 Sold for £7,355. 17/5
First meeting of the Lodge of the Independent Order of Good Templars at the Mission Hall enrols 27 members. 8/3
F T Garrett (est 1870) Watch and Clock Maker, High Street North opposite Borough Gazette office has moved to 13 High Street, five doors nearer the Town Hall. 29/3
David Brown, fishmonger, 152 High Street receives fresh fish daily by 4.15 train. Hot fried fish every night at 7 o'clock. 29/3
Auction: House occupied by London & County Banking Co. and two others adjoining White Hart public house, all situated in High Street North. House and Blacksmith's shop, Barn, 10 cottages, plot Building land in White Hart yard, two semi detached villas on the North side of West Street, 5 small houses on south side of West Street, a corner house St. Mary's Street, plot of building land near thereto called the Butts.
Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Caroline Benning, 54, wife of Charles Stockdale Benning of The Limes. 3/4
Traveller stops at Swan with Two Necks. Quiet and asks for 8 o'clock call. Called twice and looking under door, which is locked, landlord sees blood and sends for inspector. Man has cut his arm with a razor blade and bled to death. Man was Charles Brunden, a blocker from Luton aged 43, married with six children. His wife Ann Brunden gave evidence he had been worried about being unemployed and complained of head pains. 12/4
Death W Milligan Esq. Well-known figure, councillor, alderman, ex-Mayor.
Meeting of farmers at Sugar Loaf to form United Farmers Association.
Thomas Randall, a labourer digging for several hours on the Half Moon allotments, suddenly collapses and dies. 19/4
Police Inspection - Vagrancy has decreased, office and cells clean and in good order, the men are intelligent and efficient, books in good order, but the establishment is too small to be efficient. 3/5 31/4
Dunstable Tramps Ward to close at 10pm daily. Winter some tramps arrived very late to miss a bath. Committee suggests Dunstable provides gruel with the bread but there are no facilities for cooking. Old hands prefer extra food in exchange for extra work.
William Hall, Cross Keys, Middle Row, beats and threatens his wife Jane Hall. This is third attack and in front of her sister Ann Fossey. Witnesses said he did not hit her but did not want her sister there. Case not clearly made out and dismissed. 14/5
Auction of Cross Keys, Middle Row, on lease which expires 1876 to Mr Bennett for £20. Sale began at £200 and run up to £325 being bought by Mr Limbrey. 14/6
Frederick Hall, Cross Keys, Middle Row accused of pawning wearing apparel, 4 dresses, 2 jackets, 1 pair of boots value £3, belonging to Elizabeth Hillsdon. She had recently moved to Dunstable from Aylesbury and lodged there for her board and food in return for cleaning Ordered to pay or one month's hard labour. 31/5/
Land in front of Kingsbury sold for £200. 17/5 Suggested it be used as recreation ground for boys. 14/6
Three officers and 123 men of the Royal Artillery, with, 97 horses, six guns and ammunition wagons from Woolwich to Sheffield stop overnight. Borough band play in front of the Red Lion where the officers are staying. Two days later the same number from Sheffield to Woolwich, stop with the band playing outside of the Sugar Loaf where the officers are staying. 17/5
B Troop Royal Engineers - 1 officer, 51 men and 33 horses billeted in the town en route for Cannock Chase for autumn manoeuvres. 16/7
With so many horses etc coming through the town inhabitants feel the High Street should be watered to keep the dust down. 17/5
To Be Sold on moderate terms - Old Iron Church in good condition with the internal fittings, will hold 800 persons. 24/5 Sale of internal fittings from Iron Church. 30/7
Opening of Water works - works, engine and boiler house on land adjoining London & North Western Station. 24/5 Householders delighted with water works. Less tea is used and vegetables are a better colour. 28/6
Whit Monday Bank Holiday - Grocers and drapers have agreed to close their shops. The government set aside days for the banks to close. 24/5
W M Graham, Photographer, 164 High Street takes over from George Sebright and formerly late John Budd. 31/5
Charles Smith, 27 High Street South, takes over the business of H Pearce in addition to his own. Wedding and School Cakes made to order. 7/6
Brick built and slated build known as the Old Engine House and Lock Up in South Street, Dunstable, nearly adjoining King Street and having a frontage thereto of 32 feet is sold for £65 to Mr William Marshall. 16/7
David Young was again drunk and using foul language at the White Swan. His wife, a hard-working woman, was almost destitute. Judge told him to stop drinking and lead a better life. 7/6
Trustees of Dunstable School request tenders for erecting a cottage and farm buildings on the Cowridge End School Farm, Luton. Tenders to Mr Hambling, School House. 14/7 (Frances Ashton in her will left £1.10s. for maintenance and repair. The designated properties were mostly farms. One was Cowridge End Farm in Luton)
Rev Frederick Hose writes a letter to those who criticize the Priory Church's stone font. 14/7
Alfred Mantz, indentured apprentice to John Cook, plumber/glazier, of North Western Terrace, is unlawfully absent. Indentured with his parents' consent, no premium paid, bound for six years from 27 June 1869. 14/6
Libel Case - Gazette publishes a letter by Alfred Pratt casting reflection on the character of Thomas Squire, a Houghton Regis blacksmith. 7/6 Gazette apologises and agrees should not have published. Case adjourned as solicitor for Alfred Pratt unable to attend. 14/6 Before the restart attempt made to settle but solicitors could not agree. Referred to Assizes. 21/6 Alfred Pratt publishes letter that Thomas Squire has kindly stopped all further legal action against him. He withdraws his allegations and expresses any regrets for same. Pays three guineas to Brompton Hospital as a mark of regret. 28/6
Ashton School: Mr Wire appointed boys school master and Miss Sandman girls school mistress. 21/6. Wanted a girl of about 16 years of age for a general servant. Mrs Wire, Ashton Schools. 6/8
(Mr Wire is author of Sally the Witch Poem 1875)
Mr F Hatt, master for eight years at Ashton Boys School, given a purse of £13 as a token of the school's esteem. Leaving to go to Upper Grade School, Cambridge. 5/7
Quoits Club formed at Sugar Loaf on ground behind the hotel and has many members and supporters. 28/6
It is proposed to form a Dunstable Coal and Coke Co. to supply coal to members at a low rate, cash only and also sell to the general public. No member to hold more than 10 shares. 28/6 5/7
Mary Ann Mobley, on the right-hand side of Upper Union Street, in court for using abusive language to Anne Maria Creamer, who was on left-hand side of Upper Union Street. The magistrates dismiss the case as they have no jurisdiction outside Dunstable Borough whose boundary is on the left hand side of Upper Union Street and Creamer is on the opposite side of the road in Houghton Regis. 28/6
David Brown, fishmonger, posts a notice about people selling fish in his name. Anyone found impersonating him will be prosecuted. 9/7
W A Hukins, coal merchant, moves his business from Middle Row to his private residence in High Street North (two doors from Dr. Hicks). 9/7
Sale of Wellington Terrace - Six brick built and slated dwellings houses abutting Star Close and the block of buildings known as the 'Old Workhouse' in South Street occupied by Messrs. Fowler and Bull. Building ground adjoining shop occupied by Mr Allen. 16/7
Edward Jones, a vagrant, charged with begging pretending to be deaf and dumb. Carries a card, intimidates people but several times in public houses gives himself away. In court he adopts a vacant gaze and refuses to speak. 16/7
Cricket match between Married and Single Men. Single men win. 16/7
Committee purchases 'Englands' to create public recreation ground. 16/7 20/8
Mr Billington lowered the ceiling in two rooms he is building in Victoria Street and is fined £2.2.0. The court has the power to issue a fine or order the building pulled down. 20/8
Boys have found a way of breaking into the Town Clock and disfiguring the clock face. 20/8
Walter Lester opens jeweller's shop at 85 High Street North (next to London and County Bank) 20/8
Death at Allahabad aged 32 ofHon. William Jardine M.A. Acting Judge of the High Court of the North Western Province, India. eldest son of W. Jardine Esq. 27/8 (see December 1873 about Jardine the elder) A letter sent to T C Johnson by a soldier in Bangalore is published. Also enclosed is a cutting from an Indian paper about the death of Justice Jardine. 22/10
James Jardine, straw hat manufacturer, marries Emma Elizabeth, daughter of William Hunt, at the Priory Church. 29/9 1/10
Day's Menagerie on The Square includes valuable and rare animals recently transferred from Wombwell's establishment. 10/9
Poor weather results in low wheat yield and price rise of bread. 10/9
Thomas Owen, confectioner, drunk in the High Street having been turned out of the Rose & Crown. When the police arrived he was having an altercation with his mother and a number of boys had gathered round him. 8/10 Three weeks later he is again in court and fined. 29/10
Farewell Concert by Mr E B Donne, piano tuner of 19 Church Street, in the Temperance Hall. He was moving to the sea coast because of ill health. 8/10 15/10
Charles Cleaver, 19, deserted from Her Majesty's service. Enlisted on the previous week, overslept and afraid to present himself. Remanded waiting enquires. 15/10
Trucks off the rails near Skimpot on Saturday night so the 9 am goods train from Dunstable is delayed and the last train is unable to leave Dunstable until nearly midnight. 15/10
Death of Rev. Robert Henry Hare, Wesleyan Minister, Superintendent Dunstable Circuit. 8/10 Published by request in neat book form the funeral sermon preached by Rev. Josiah Goodacre on death of Rev. Hare. 22/10
Mr & Mrs Strange, pastry cooks, 10 High Street, leave the area and Mr J Shepherd takes over the business. 29/10
A pair of trousers and long jacket together forming a suit was laid on the table for the admiration of the guardians of the Tramp Ward.These garments are made out of an old bag and intended for the use of the first casual person who has the insolence to tear up his clothes in the Dunstable Tramp Ward or in the casual ward at Luton. The wearer will undoubtedly cut a pretty figure in one of these suits, for they are made large enough to receive the stoutest and being of the roughest texture will admit the keen fresh air with tolerable ease at every point from top to toe. 29/10
New Plait Hall is opened and buyers and sellers express their gratitude having previously stood in the cold outside. 12/11. It was noticed that some buyers still stood on the corner of West Street but the women selling plait all went inside. 19/11
Robbers break into the old Baptist Chapel but do not find any money. Bird in the Hand was also targeted but Mr Grace had barred the doors. 19/11
Unfit meat sold in the Dunstable market having been rejected in the Luton market. 26/11
Mr Frederick Arthur Farr admitted to the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 26/11
William Fearn charged with exposing his person in the Globe public house with intent to insult a certain female. 26/11 Case dismissed as not aware his trousers were torn. 3/12
Death at Half Moon Cottage: Jane Eames, 44, 'the friend of the sick and little children'. The oldest teacher in the Church Sunday School. 26/11
Inquest at Saracen's Head. Elizabeth Field, aged 87, living in Alms House, High Street South. Normally did not go out being feeble, frail and often giddy, but found dead a few yards from the front door, clad only in a nightdress. Verdict: Death by hyperthermia. Concern that two witnesses, girls aged 15 and 21, were unable to write their names. 3/12
T C Johnson, Sugar Loaf, reported to have about 40 creditors and long detailed list of liabilities. 10/12 Public Notice - The public are respectfully informed that the business at the Sugar Loaf Hotel, Dunstable, and the Sugar Loaf, King Street, Luton will be carried on as usual, and the all orders sent to T C Johnson will have his special care and attention. 17/12
The Mayor would not grant permission for a play to be staged in the Temperance Hall but there would be no interference. 10/12
Death of William Jardine Senior, four months after his son. A well respected and prominent member of the community. 31/12
1874 |
Funeral of William Jardine. Shops close during the funeral as a mark of respect and the high regard the public hold for him. 7/1 14/1
Advertisement for Joseph Cheshire, builder and undertaker, of Brew House Yard, High Street North, who had built the Temperance Hall 14/1
A woman in High Street South goes to the shops for a few minutes and locks her three little children in the house. James White, builder, hears screams, sees smoke and forces the door open. A child is badly burnt but is recovering. 14/1
Samuel Tavener, 34, steals five pieces of linsey (coarse fabric made of mixed wool and linen) from John Bailey, found under a hedge by a postman. Many previous convictions so sentenced to 10 years penal servitude. 14/1
Analysis of Dunstable Water finds it is hard but excellent for domestic purposes. 21/1
C Osborne presents plans for work on building on corner of High Street North and Albion Street. An objection is made by Mr Daniel who says it would seriously affect the light in his kitchen. 21/1
Mrs Oliver, Kingsbury Farm, complains her land is being damaged by sewage. 23/12 The well is too near the closets to be replaced and is not fit for use. 25/2 22/4
Joseph Osborn given permission for sheep to graze on the Recreation Ground for £15 10s. 18/2
Chiltern Freemasons Lodge opens at the Town Hall. Large attendance of brethren of surrounding district and the imposing ceremony conducted by Bro. Henry Muggeridge. 28/1
New licence sought for Bricklayers Arms. Last landlord went off with licence. Refused as too many public houses in the town and two are near these premises. 26/8
Licence of the Plume of Feathers transferred from William Wallis to William Raggett. Mayor hoped the house would be conducted in a more respectable manner than it had been. 4/2
Temperance Hall - Concert held to raise funds for the 4th Beds Dunstable Volunteer Corps. 4/2
Virginia Female Christy's from the Grand Opera House, New York, performing songs, dances etc. Very well received especially the Burlesque with three nimble-footed ladies in pink tights. 6/5 20/5 Important Sale of Talking Parrots and other Foreign Birds. C A Cusani importer. 20/5 Talk by Rev. J O Fellowes Dunstable to Constantinople. 18/11 the celebrated Frederick Smith of Crystal Palace performs. 30/12
Temperance Hall advertised for sale. 25/11 Temperance Hall sale starts at £400 but is withdrawn at £570. 16/12
Town Hall - Mayor's chair and 16 chairs purchased for council plus 200 more at 3/- each. 11/2
A servant of John Bailey falls over Town Hall steps as others have done. Decided to place a lamp there before someone is injured. But the steps were subsequently levelled. 4/3
Frederick Horn & Co. of London offer £15 for vacant office on ground floor of Town Hall. Good offer accepted with rent paid quarterly in advance. 24/6
A boy, William Champkin, finally caught ringing the Bank House bell by Mr Frederick Howell, bank manager, of Bank House, High Street North. 25/2
Six dwelling houses for sale in Wellington Close, abutting the meadow 'Star Close' approached from South Street and Britain Street. Also Block of buildings in South Street known as Old Work House now occupied as two dwelling houses by Messrs Fowler and Bull. 25/3
Wellington Terrance sold to Edward Barnard for £750. Old Workhouse not sold. 29/4
Alfred Impey, aged two, is drowned when he falls into the culvert at the deodorising works on Sunday. 1/4
William Thrower, late coachman to F C Scargill, undergoing a term of imprisonment with hard labour for stealing corn from his employer, dies in Bedford Gaol of inflammation of the lungs. He leaves a widow and 4 children. 1/4 A collection is made for his widow raising £35.88. 29/4
Death of George Derbyshire, 82, of Church Street, parish clerk and writer of poems including Native Scenes about Dunstable's history. Father of W H Derbyshire. 8/4
T G B Clarke Dispensing & Family Chemist, High Street, has employed Mr Staffell to take over the management of Retail and Dispensing at his branch. 8/4
Royal Horse Artillery travelling from Woolwich to Dublin stop overnight. six officers, 109 men, 117 horses, six guns and ammunition wagons. Rifle Volunteers band plays outside the Red Lion where the officers are billeted. Battery leaves at 7 in the morning accompanied out of town by a large number of people. Another battery arrives later that day. 15/4
Mr Partridge given the job of operating a water cart when required to damp down dusty roads.22/4.
Royal Horse Artillery travelling from Woolwich to Weeden stop overnight - five officers, 96 men, 86 horses, six guns and ammunition. Excelsior band plays outside Red Lion. 29/4
Death of Thomas Hawkes Underwood, 60 years, the manager of Cooper & Co. a zealous and able local preacher in Dunstable. 29/4
Unlit street-lamps still an issue but some have now been repaired. 15/4
Sudden death in Mr Emery's shop of Harriet Keighley 22/4 29/4
Tramp Ward had accommodated 800 vagrants in the half year. Constant migration through the town due to unemployment, consequence of strikes. Some were tradesmen but also those who had no intention of working. One woman whose husband had left her with five children had applied three times in one week. 10/6
Stray dogs roaming the town. Police to take them in for three days and if not claimed to be destroyed. Many people are being bitten. 29/4
Ann Turvey steals plait from Joseph Mullings, Straw Hat Manufacturer, Albion Street. 29/4
Batty's Great London Circus in town for one day only. 6/5
Hutchinson and Tayleur's Circus which is well patronised. 9/9
William Baldock unlawfully leaves, without giving a week's notice, the employ of William Gostelow Gard, plate cloth manufacturer. Mr Gard is compensated with 3/- which he donates to the poor box. 6/5
William Sanders accused of stealing a lamb from farmer William Robinson's field in Bull Pond Lane. The case is dismissed. 6/5
James Chiselett, 44, stonemason, lodging at the Wheatsheaf is seen running down the road without a hat or coat screaming 'Murder'. Says a man is trying to break down his door and murder him. Dr Farr who has previously examined him says he is not fit to be at liberty. Chiselett is remanded at Arlesey Asylum. 6/5
Toll charges for bringing sheep to the fair reduced. Men would not bring hundreds of sheep to Dunstable when it is cheaper at Luton. 13/5
Mayor Edward Lockhart's youngest daughter Eliza is married to Mr G Viall. 13/5
Small group of military stops at the Sugar Loaf. 13/5
Grand Gala by the Independent Order of Good Templars in Hawthorn Meadows. 20/5 27/5
Tradesmen intend to close shops on Whit Monday to make it a general holiday. 20/5
Mr Rodwell threatens to withhold his rates, which he has paid for 14 years, if the road at Prosperous Row is not improved. It is used by carts from the chalk quarry so it is agreed he should be excused rates in the future. 20/5
In the English Church in Moscow, Russia Monsieur Jean Xavier Fabien Dariac marries Miss Lizzie Walker of Dunstable. 20/5
Thomas Astling, driving horse and cart, when horse takes fright, runs some distance tries to get through narrow gateway. Cart overturns, driver thrown out and a wheel runs over his leg, breaking it. 27/5
William Mayles, assistant to Richard Barton, Edward Street, Bacon Factor etc. riding a horse recently purchased, when it becomes restive, rears and he is thrown, badly cutting the back of his head. Manages to get home in semi-conscious state. 27/5
Loyal Philanthropic Lodge of Odd Fellows makes presentation to Alderman Limbrey, a member since its formation nearly 30 years ago. Enough money is collected to purchase a massive gold Albert (chain) with a medal. 27/5
Charles Bourne, horse dealer, is charged with keeping a carriage, a two-wheeled gig, without a licence. 27/5 The gig belongs to his brother George and the Mayor asks for two gigs to be brought to court as evidence. As the evidence is contradictory case dismissed. 3/6
A little boy called Walter Groom is brought to court for wasting water belonging to the Dunstable Gas and Water Co. Thinking it fun he turns on the tap and leaves it running but the reservoir as a result could run dry. His mother pleads he did not mean any harm and the case is dismissed this time. 27/5
An escaped dog severely bites George Brazier on the wrist and hand. Dr Hicks applies the proper remedy and Mr Beart afterwards lays a hot iron on affected part. Dog is caught and chained up. 3/6
Mr Derbyshire's Stock Sale to be run by Mr Cumberland (Luton) not in any spirit of opposition, but simply to occupy Mr Derbyshire's place during his illness and arrangements of affairs. (In 1874 W. H. Derbyshire filed his petition in the Luton Court, with liabilities about £1,000. He states that he paid 3s in the pound, but finding that it was such a drain upon his resources he is obliged to call his creditors together in 1881, and again file his petition.) 3/6
Emily Darby, aged seven, breaks collarbone falling off church wall. 3/6
Three little boys in court for trespassing on T G Lockhart's land. Court is told they were probably bird nesting or playing and case is brought only to prevent trespassing 3/6 But Annie Smith and Elizabeth Hattams, caught trespassing on T G Lockhart's land, had been playing in the lane when their ball went over the fence. Both fined 5/-. 17/6
Dunstable Collegiate & Commercial School auction of surplus Household Furniture by order of Rev. C B Harris who is moving to other premises. 10/6 The school has been removed from Upper Houghton Regis to High Street South, Dunstable. 24/6
A man bicycled from Oxford to the Sugar Loaf in Dunstable and back. Total of 86 miles in 9 hours including 1 hour 35 minutes for stoppage. 17/6
A long article describing a walk to Totternhoe details of flowers 21/6
Gas and Water Co. break roads while laying pipes. Company agreed to repair. 24/6
Comet seen on a clear night. 24/6
Cambridge and Oxford Bicycle Race - First one between universities. Stopped at Sugar Loaf to rest with some indulging in a bath. Cambridge won. 24/6
Petition to House of Commons from the Baptists of Dunstable, in favour of prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquor on Sundays. 24/6
New magistrates Dr. Hicks, Charles Lockhart, Theodore Harris approved. But with additional magistrates the court bench is not large enough and alterations to be made. 12/8
Dr. Hicks is appointed Medical Officer of Health for Borough of Dunstable. 22/7
Wreckage strewn everywhere when a wagon on a coal train from Leighton Buzzard to Dunstable breaks down. 29/7
Foresters Fete - Mart Rest, Saracen's Head applies for a special licence until 9 o'clock. Granted with no objection to lemonade and ginger beer being sold after that time. There were several letters to the paper in following week about the fete regarding indecent behaviour and performance. 15/7
Cornelius Payne drunk and riotous. J Hutchings his employer asks for leniency as he is a harmless quiet man, in his employ for three years and his father before for 17 years. Blames public houses as should not have supplied him with drink but 5/- fine and 9/- expenses. 1/7
Public meeting at Plait Hall seeking the total and immediate repeal of the Contagious Disease Acts relating to Women. 8/7 15/7
Botany of Dunstable published containing list of flowers. 15/7 7/10
Omnibus, High Street North to Railway Station strikes against back portion of old iron protruding over back part of donkey cart in Winfield Street. Cart, donkey and two lads riding on top of the iron tipped over. Boys bruised but unhurt. 15/7
Several employers treat employees to a day's holiday and pay the cheap rail fares for them to visit Agricultural Show in Bedford, and some extra spending money. 22/7
William Brazier, nursery man, refuses to pay the toll of 6d on his cart of garden produce although out most days. Total owed now 6/- 22/7
Munt and Brown give a dinner for 35 male employees followed by a cricket match. 22/7
Sugar Loaf alteration plans submitted- no encroachment on public road. 22/7
Mr Middleton requests a new path from Icknield Street, past his residence to Mr Reed's, Tebworth Villa. 22/7
A horse ridden at Maulden by W Hastie of Dunstable, takes fright at seeing a flock of sheep lying by the roadside. It swerves round them but falls, breaking its leg. 22/7
Lost on pathway leading through fields between Dunstable and Houghton Regis a Wesleyan Hymn Book. Reward - apply Gazette Office. 29/7
Alderman Brown has two hay ricks destroyed by fire at Park Farm. Valued at £700 the whole of a year's hay. Some little damage is done to the garden of Mr. Carr. 5/8
Mrs Markham, Shoeing and Jobbing Smith, Church Street, is retiring and her son James, who has managed it for the last two years, will continue with the business. 5/8
Excelsior Brass Band holds a fete in Hawthorne Meadows by permission of J Gutteridge. 5/8
4th Beds Rifle Volunteers - distribution of prizes at Saracen's Head. A speech is made by Rev C S Harris on behalf of the navy as his father was a naval man and last served on H M S Dreadnought. 2/12
Laughing Eyes - Fair and very pretty, would like to receive a 'Carte de visite' (a small photographic portrait of a person, mounted on a piece of card) of tall, dark, handsome young gentleman, a miller or farmer. She has a very loving nature, is very handsome and would make a nice little wife. Any young fellow would like her, she is always laughing. Apply Borough Gazette at the post office till called for. 5/8
Assembly Room at the top of Church Street is now For Hire for Clubs, Meetings, Lectures, Sales, Entertainment. 19/8
Catherine Grey, 35, Irish widow begging with 14-month baby. Runs into a house when she sees police officer but owner calls him to turn her out. Wants to get back to Brentford so court pays for a ticket but she gets off train at Luton and disappears. Not alone but part of a gang who beg with children not always their own but hired. 19/8
Frederick Davis, who had a business in Middle Row, now dying of a form of disease which prevents digestion of food. Kept alive by constant attention on the part of his family and administration of small quantities of champagne. 19/8
Death of George Fensom, eldest son of William Fensom who was head ostler at the Red Lion. Visiting friends went for a long hot walk then drank three glasses of cold water and is taken ill. Convulsions grew worse and he died. 26/8
Mr Mullings, Red Lion, complained about poor condition of road outside Horse and Groom which had broken the springs on his omnibus. Area to be surveyed. 26/8
Mr Shepherd, confectioner, High Street, granted licence to sell sweets on and off the premises. 16/9
Dunstable Sanitary Authority - Complaints against James Deacon employed on the roads but spending most of the day in the public houses. Often works on the drains at 4 and 5 in morning and always completes work when asked. Proof required before dismissing him. 26/8 Later, a suggestion that someone else be employed for more pay is agreed, and he is dismissed. 2/9 There is a disagreement and representatives walk out. Meeting adjourned. 30/9
Mrs Nicholls, Britain Street, submits plans to build a house on site hitherto occupied by a painter's shop. 14/10
Dunstable Sanitary Authority discusses how to prevent spread of scarlet fever. 25/11
Wanted by a Retired Butler an inn or public house in Dunstable. London address. 2/9
SS Baltic of the White Star Line sails from Liverpool to New York with Mr & Mrs F Walton of Dunstable on the passenger list. 2/9
The Great American Circus arrives in Dunstable with a Troupe of Russian Skaters 2/9
The 4th Beds Rifke Volunteers pay tribute to their comrade, the late Robert George Masters. Leaving Beale Street the band leads the way to the cemetery where 12 members fire three volleys.
John Middleton Harde writes a book 'The Ministry and Character of Robert Henry Hare', about his brother who died last year and was superintendent of the Dunstable Wesleyan Circuit. 2/9
The Life Boat, a very long poem by A P Wire, Ashton School. 9/9
Notice of Official Opening of the Town Hall, Plait Hall and Corn Exchange, followed by a public dinner at the Corn Exchange. 9/9 Dunstable Borough Gazette will be published on a Thursday next week instead of Wednesday due to the opening of the Town Hall and Corn Exchange. 23/9 Opening of the Town Hall - details cover 5 columns. 30/9
Mark Rest, Saracen's Head, applies for a licence to sell refreshments at the cricket match in Dunstable Park and at the dinner of the opening of the Town Hall and Corn Exchange. 16/9 At the dinner Mr and Mrs Rest serve goose, fowls, beef, mutton, lamb, ham, vegetable and pastries. 23/9
A tribe of gypsies, coppersmiths by trade (also known as redsmiths due to colour of copper), encamped at King Street. A large number of persons visit the spot. 9/9
A return visit from some French and Hungarian gypsies. A woman gives birth to a son and wants him baptised as a Catholic but priest cannot be found. She spends the night in a tent then they move on to find a priest. 14/10
Joseph Costin, 66, died in a police cell. Made his living as a water cress seller. Rarely slept in a bed usually in barn or field often in wet clothes having been in the water to gather cress. One morning without breakfast began drinking in the Red Lion, with a commercial traveller Thomas Hall continually buying him drink. Eventually taken to the police cell as very drunk and died soon after. Verdict: Thomas Hall wrong to keep buying drink for him and barmaid wrong to keep serving. Landlord was absent. 12/9
Freehold Public House known as The Eight Bells at corner Ashton Street and St. Mary's Street producing a rental of £20 per annum. Auction beginning of October. 16/9
Soldier Thomas Smith from Houghton Regis and well known in Dunstable shoots Captain John Dent Bird of 12th Hussars at Aldershot. Claims it was an accident but rifle should not have been loaded. Sister lives in Dunstable. 23/9 Soldier Thomas Smith found guilty and executed at Winchester. 18/11 Rev. H B Smyth gives a special mention in his sermon about Thomas Smith. 25/11
J A Moore takes over Coal and Coke business from W A Hukins (auctioneer). 30/9
Annual meeting of Dunstable Land Building Society. 30/9
Disappointimg Statute Fair - No shows except Professor Vandersten and his Flea Circus with a flea pulling a cart. Only excitement provided by ladies shooting from small mysterious article into male faces, of a quantity of offensive smelling scent. 30/9
Fire in High Street South. Stack yard belonging to Thomas Squire, Great Northern Road, and adjoining Tramp Ward. Hay rick set on fire. George Davis seen by Pc Tofield acting suspiciously nearby. Davis asks about Tramp Ward but does not have a ticket so told to leave town. Later arrested and evidence appears to be seeds on his clothing although he states slept in barn. Case eventually dismissed as seed evidence is not conclusive. 30/9
Mission Hall - special service for opening of a new harmonium. 7/10
Wanted by a respectable youth a situation as Page or Under Footman. Can wait at table well. Would have no objections to attend to a pony and trap and make himself generally useful. 21/10
Mayor holds annual banquet at Sugar Loaf. 28/10
Death of George Grigg, 67, a points man at London & M W Railway station and very well known. Filled the post since first train on 1 May 1848 and joined company in 1838. Had been taken ill, got out of bed and fell down the stairs. The oldest servant in company. 28/10
Pc Tofield and J Robinson of White Swan go after men who stole three bagatelle balls worth 5/- each. At Little Brickhill they see a house on fire and the police officer raises the alarm. Eight people inside unaware of the raging fire downstairs and would have been burnt in their beds. 28/10
Charles Toyne, whiting manufacturer Edward Street charged under the Factory Act with employing children under the age of 13 without obtaining a school certificate. Child must have attended school for 10 hours the previous week. Warning given this time. 4/11
Mr R Bevan reports Mr W H Derbyshire for being drunk and riotous. Mr Derbyshire is not drunk but because of his age requires assistance. He was celebrating after the election. Case dismissed but Mr Bevan to pay costs. 4/11
James Green, a groom at Sugar Loaf, jumps off the cart without waiting for it to stop. Foot slips, falls and wheel runs over his left leg breaking two bones. 4/11
Sudden death from a heart attack in Regent Street of John Pratt, 63, blocker, often drunk and in ill heath 11/11
Persons requiring wells sunk can have them attended to by applying to W Higgs, Builder. 11/11
Wells never dry after being sunk in the proper form by Joseph Room. Apply 73 High Street South. 18/11
Spectacular arrangements for a bonfire on The Square. Fire balls kicked along the street to the dismay of the female portion of the town. 11/11
Sale of Red Lion Hotel - a very long detailed description. Mr T J Mullings is retiring due to his wife's poor health. Sells for £3,000 to James Scrivener, Herne Farm, Toddington. 18/11
Charles Frederick Simpson Mottram, landlord of Britannia pub, applies for his wife Elizabeth to be bound over to keep peace towards him. Accused her of throwing glasses and threatening to kill him. However she and witnesses said the glasses were thrown on the ground to stop her husband from drinking any more as he was drunk. Case dismissed although she received a caution. 18/11
Temperance Hall advertised for sale. 25/11 Sale starts at £400 but is withdrawn at £570. 16/12
Poor people on relief should not have to wait outside of Mr Gilbey's house in the cold winter for their money. Used to be paid at Town Hall before renovated. Another place to be found. 25/11
Hunt and Brown provide a tea for their lady hat workers. 30/12
Lost between Priory and Messrs Bassett's Bank a Leighton Bank Note No. 48163, payment of which is stopped. Whoever has found it report to Mr Scrogges, Post Office, for £1 reward. 16/12
Plan approved for a new stable in White Hart yard. 23/12
Dr and Mrs C C Hicks hold a dinner for the parish relief in the Infants School room. Mr Rest of Saracens Head provides a hot meal. About 70-80 are seated at three tables with Rev. Hose, Dr Hicks and Rev C B Harris at the head. When they are packing up Mr Rest is given a plum pudding which goes missing. Arthur Champkin accused but evidence appears to have been eaten. 30/12
1875 |
James Tibbett successfully applies that his premises might be registered for the sale of gunpowder and fireworks. Having held a license to sell fireworks for many years and no complaint has been made. 18/10
We are informed that the Rector's third son, the Venerable G F Hose, Archdeacon of Singapore is on his way to England on sick leave of absence. From recent intelligence we learn that although when he left Malacca his health was in a most critical state, the voyage has been most beneficial to him, and that he hopes to reach England in a few days almost convalescent. Mrs G F Hose and family accompany him.