Index - MNO

Maid of Dunstable, poem.Page 376
MalherbeInfluential family in Hockliffe, involved in a financial scandal, 1255.Page 372
Manshead Archaeological Society closure.Page 410
Manshead Archaeological Society.Anecdotes about the society by Andy Amos,Page 438
Manshead Archaeological Society.The story of the society, which closed in 2020, by Joan Schneider.Page 444
Manshead School's coat of arms.Page 92
Mansion Houseor North House, the home of Marshe Dickinson, stood on what is now the entrance to Queensway and its grounds extended to what is now the Asda store. Joan Curran tells how she traced its sitePage 72
MapAn Old Traveller's Pocket Map, dated 1676Page 33
Marden, Janie.Singer at Queensbury Hall.Page 388
MarketDunstable Market as recorded in the 13th century Annals of the Priory.Page 99 and Page 187
Market Custumal.This 1220 document detailing byelaws governing the town has been scanned from the original at the British Library.Page 303
Markets in Dunstable Read here
Marysister of Edward II.Page 412
Massachusettsthe legend of Dr Blood and the Haunted Housen in Dunstable USA.Page 258
MayCharles. The odd-job man at Dunstable Grammar School.Page 387
Mayor's chain.History of town's 484
Mayors of DunstableList of mayor'sPage 186 and 199
McVicarDavid. Scrapbook about Queensbury School campaign.Page 404.
Mechanical Priory Clock - Oldest recorded
Mechanics InstituteWhere was this based in Dunstable? Articles about it by David LindseyPage 56 and 106
Medieval Project.A summary of the Dunstable Medieval Project of 2013 is given in the newsletterPage 285
Medieval PuzzlesPage 383
Merchant's MiscellanyExcerpts from an 1785 pamphlet describing the area.Page 120
Meteorological Office - True address in Houghton Regis.Page 500
Meteorological Office.his was once based at Dunstable. Pauline Wolsey records her memories of working there onPage 305
Meteorological Office.The weather-forecasting centre stood near Drovers Way in Dunstable. Work there during World War Two is describedPage 70
Meterological Office.A 1955 centernary Christmas card. Page 491
Middle RowMemories of this historic part of Dunstable.Pages 86 and 87
Mils - Frederick Samuel. Pioneering Dunstable photographer. Page 467
Moor End Mill, EdlesboroughStory of the 1924 fire.Page 377
MooringSir John Mooring, son of Arthur Mooring, editor of the Dunstable Gazette, became British Resident of the island of ZanzibarPage 310.
Moreton House SchoolConnection with Elinor Brent-Dyer, author of books for children.Page 348
Morgan -Thomas (Ashwell). Pioneer Dunstable photographer. Page 489
Mortimer, Roger.An invasion army, led by Roger Mortimer and Queen Isabella, joined forces at Dunstable with a large body of men led by Thomas of Lancaster, and went on to defeat King Edward II.Page 317
Motor Club BadgePage 475
Munitions worker awarded medalViolet Golding, aged 17, injured in a World War I explosion at Kent's munitions factory, was one of the youngest people to receive the Medal of the Order of the British EmpirePage 311
MurderStory of a sensational murder trial in Victorian Dunstable when David Dumpleton was accused of killing his wife. Page 465
Murder of an Irish deserterThe trial of Sgt Hugh Mack who killed one of 16 army prisoners he was escorting to London in 1806. The deserters had been marched through Dunstable handcuffed and roped together.Page 278
MuseumRare photo of the interior of Mr Bagshawe's museum at Kingsbury.Page 432
MustardSimon Mustard was killed after a 1283 wrestling match at Hockliffe.Page 372
Mylrea's ice creamThis was sold in a shop in High Street North.Page 219
NelsonLord Nelson's visit to Dunstable.Page 379
Netherlandshome for Dunstable OrganPage 412
NeumannArthur Henry. Son of a Rector of Hockeliffe who explored Africa and became famous as an elephant hunter.Page 436
New Zealand- Esther and David Clarkson emigrated to New Zeraland and opened a shop called Dunstable House in ChrischurchPage 310
Newspaper Library.Work begins on scanning pages of the Dunstable Borough Gazette.Page 477
Night of the DemonScenes from the cult film were shot at Stanbridgeford Station.Page 268
Norton House.Page 353.
NurseriesA list of horticultural nurseries in Dunstable.Page 430
NurseriesDunstable once boasted numerous market gardens.Page 308
Old BaileyJohn Dimock was arrested at the Saracen's Head in Dunstable in 1807 for stealing a silver watch and other items. He was sentenced at the Old Bailey to be confined for six months in the House of Correction.Page 270
Oakwell Park.Antiquarian features of a Houghton Regis house. Page 492
Old Palace Lodge hotelIts historyPage 34
Old Palace Lodge hotelHistory of the building.Page 433
Oliver hat factoryPage 353
Orange RollingThe Good Friday event on Dunstable Downs is featuredPage 176 and page 222
Orange RollingThe Good Friday event on Dunstable Downs is featuredRead here
Organmaker, Leighton Buzzard.Page 412
Out Of OfficeHours. Book by Frederick HowellPage 329
Out of Office HoursBook (1972) by Dunstable bank manager Frederick Howell.Page 383